It’s never pleasant to see someone sobbing or mourning, especially if it’s someone you care about. Most of us find ourselves at a loss for words for a good reason: engaging with someone who is depressed and suffering may be unpleasant and uncomfortable.

Even if you want you could be there for them and express your sympathy, it may be difficult deciding what to do and how to say it. A lot of us end up sitting there awkwardly, giving each other uncomfortable back pats, and repeating, “It’s alright,” over and over again.

So, why is it that we can recognize and celebrate someone’s happiness but have no idea what to do when they are in pain? This post is for you if you have ever found yourself in the position of not knowing what to do when someone close breaks down in tears. Be their professional help.

How do You Comfort Someone?

First and foremost, when someone you care about is feeling down or depressed, you want to do all you can to alleviate their distress. Naturally, you will not be able to just wipe away their concerns as if nothing had occurred, but you can learn how to help someone feel better.

By doing so, you may at the very least help them feel a bit better at the time that you are doing it. You may even learn how to make someone feel better by sending them a text message! When someone seems to be in a bad mood, it’s understandable to feel powerless. And it’s much worse if they won’t tell you what exactly is wrong with them.

Their body language indicates that something isn’t quite right, but all they say is, “I’m OK.” Of course, you’re well aware that they’re not in good shape, and it’s really annoying! In reality, you don’t necessarily have to know what’s wrong with someone in order to cheer them up a bit.

Talk to them

Three people talking

Of course, the most apparent and crucial thing you can do to assist someone who is depressed is to just speak to them about their feelings. Sit them down and inform them that you are here to listen to them and to assist them in working through whatever it is that is bothering them at the moment. Sometimes all that is required of you is to just be a good listener. They must feel your level of love and must feel comfortable.

Buy them a thoughtful gift

A nicely wrapped gift which is held by a women

Purchase a meaningful gift for someone who is feeling down in the dumps to let them know you are thinking of him or her. It is a kind approach to let them know you are thinking of them. It may be something goofy and lighthearted, or it could be something they’ve desired for a long time, but receiving a present when someone is down can make them feel a whole lot better!

Send them a cute text

A man texting someone, and laughing at the same time

Sending a random text or a funny text to someone who is going through a tough time will prove beneficial. Reaching out to them by text message is a fast and simple approach to see how they are doing and to provide encouragement.

Send them a cute animal pic to tickle their funny bone once in a while. When someone is going through a difficult time, knowing that others are thinking of them and that they care about them may be really comforting.

Enjoy a night at a bar together

A group of people at a bar holidng their glass up to a cheers

Okay, this one may be restricted to adults only. You may occasionally help someone feel better by taking them out for a nice night out and a few drinks.

This allows them to truly speak it out and take their mind off their problems. Sharing a good laugh is one of the best ways to spend quality time and a fun way to eliminate troubles.

Go for a walk

Walking in the park

Getting out into the fresh air and engaging in some physical activity may really help to put things into perspective for people. Walking through a lovely area automatically lifts one’s emotions. Speaking in this manner is beneficial, and the activity generates endorphins, which naturally help people feel better as well! Go to a national park and bring your favorite snacks.

This will guarantee to cheer them up and make their day. Perhaps searching for a lucky penny on the street or wandering through a field in search of a four-leaf clover would provide them with the cure to their gloom.

Write them a letter

A handwritten note

Writing a note which shows emotional support is always good. Consider writing a letter to them instead if you aren’t comfortable having long and important chats face to face. Show them how much you care about them and express your sentiments to them directly.

A handwritten note with a motivational text is a great way to express gratitude and cheer up your loved ones.

Cook for them

A man cooking something in a pan

Better to cook for them than to cash in that gift card that stays in your drawer for too long. A nice dinner home cooked is always good.

The fact that you are preparing supper for them demonstrates that you are making an effort to improve their mood and lift their spirits. They will undoubtedly enjoy it!

Look them in the eyes

Green eyes

Check to see that you are seeing them in the eyes while they are speaking to you. Direct eye contact is necessary to demonstrate that you are really listening to them. The worst feeling a depressed person may have is the sense that they are being overlooked.

Don’t interrupt

Two girls talking with each other

If they do want to open up to you, remember to respect their wishes and allow them to finish their thoughts. You may feel the impulse to interrupt but resist the temptation. They just need an outlet for their emotions and the opportunity to be heard. Make a point of not speaking until they have finished.

Make them laugh as much as possible

A girl laughing

It’s important to remember that there’s no greater cure to grief than laughing when you’re trying to make someone smile. Make a lot of jokes for them and call them by a cute nickname. A person feels most comfortable and free when you make them laugh.

Do that ridiculous dance that always makes them laugh, or whatever it takes to encourage them to laugh once again! Avoid any sad stories or any questions on how they feel, just make them laugh!

Take up a hobby

Women painting something

People can not concentrate on the future if they feel bad at the present time. An effective method of preventing someone from wallowing in their unhappiness is to distract them. Maybe they might attempt to engage in some kind of recreational activity together to take their minds off their problems?

Make your buddy feel better by giving them the opportunity to do something they like doing, even if it is just playing video games. Maybe even they want to start a small business but they feel down and have little time. Try to help them as much as possible, a hobby is always good.

Be honest

A rainy day in a town with a sign that says honest

The honest feels the best. Sometimes the right way is to be upfront and honest. Maintain honesty with your companion and assist them in seeing things properly. When someone is depressed, being honest might seem like a harsh judgment. Nonetheless, doing so allows people to get over their difficulties far more quickly. You’ll continue to be the person people look to for straightforward counsel on a regular basis!

Surprise them

A girls that is suprised

An excellent way to cheer up someone and one of the best steps. In some cases, all it takes to bring someone’s grin back is a surprising surprise on their birthday. Deliver a surprise visit to their door when you know they aren’t doing anything and inform them that you are bringing them out for ice cream. Then go out there and do your hardest to help them forget about their problems.

Do a yoga session together

A yoga session with a lot of participators

Get some meditation fun for mental health together. Yoga is very beneficial to one’s health and well-being. It’s also a great tool for increasing one’s optimistic attitude.

Go to a yoga class together and see if it makes a difference in your relationship. At the very least, you’ll enjoy yourself by laughing at your efforts to get into the postures! A hard time goes away with some physical exercise. Physical affection can go a long way.

Create a gratitude diary together

Sign that says thankful

Come up with a list of 5 things you’re thankful for as a couple and sit down together. Then, on a daily basis, you and your partner must add something fresh to the list.

Every week at the conclusion of the week, get together and go over your to-do lists. You’ll quickly realize how much you have to be thankful for, and it may even help to bring them out of their gloomy state of mind.

Creating your safe space together, and expressing gratitude for a better future and for the things that happened, will strengthen your bond and cheer up your friend.

Play a Movie Night

A girl eating popcorn and enjoying a movie

Playing movie night or trivia night with your family and friends is a great activity to undertake on a regular basis! You may go to the movies and view the newest releases, or you can go online and play a variety of games. Plus, you’ll have an excuse to get together with friends and have a great time.

Get a Mani Pedi Together


This is something you may do for each other, or you can both go to a nail salon and have a manicure and pedicure! It’s a great enjoyable way for a group of people to try something new and connect over it! Choose the same color for your nails as you choose for your hair to create a connecting experience. Put on face masks with cucumbers and enjoy the Mani Pedi.

Take them on a friend date

Two coffe cups wrapped with two hands

Take them out for a night on the town, to a spa for some pampering, or even simply out to dinner to really indulge them. Going out for the evening enables them to get their minds off of whatever is bothering them and truly helps to get their minds off of things. It serves as a gentle reminder to them that they can still have a good time!

Send them flowers

A buqeut of flowers whicha are orange red and yellow

If you’re wondering how to make someone feel better even if you aren’t physically there, flowers are almost always a certain way to boost someone’s day. Find out what their favorite foods are and send them a large quantity of them. No matter what is going on in their lives, the beautiful blossoms will brighten any area and help them to remain optimistic.

Enjoy Silence Together

Silencio silence written on a wall

It’s vital to remember that individuals don’t always want to speak about their feelings. All they need is for someone to sit with them in complete stillness. If what they are going through is really difficult, it is possible that there will be no words to soothe them. In such a case, just being there with them communicates your presence without pressuring them to speak when they don’t want to.

Show your support

A little heart figure exchanged between two persons

Sometimes all your friends and family members need is for you to be there for them. Perhaps they are depressed because they believe they have failed, or perhaps they are depressed because they do not know what to do with their lives. This is when you step in to play the role of their greatest supporter. Demonstrate to them how much you appreciate and support them in whatever they do!

Have a sleepover

Bed with two pillows

Why not treat yourself to some good, old-fashioned fun by hosting a sleepover? Put your duvets on the couch in the living room, get some pizza, and have some popcorn ready so you can simply sit back and watch movies, talk, and relax!

Hugs are always good

Four people with pink orange pink violet coats respectively huging

Sometimes a decent embrace may do more for someone who is depressed than you can ever comprehend. If you know someone who is depressed, cuddling them out of it may be really reassuring. Alternatively, you might just wrap your arm around them or grip their hand. Contact with another person may be really comforting.


Little blcoks writing forgive

If you have been wronged by someone or a group, forgiveness is often defined as making a conscious, intentional choice to release sentiments of hatred or revenge against that person or organization, regardless of whether or not that person or group deserves your forgiveness.

Forgiveness does not imply forgetting, nor does it imply accepting or excusing wrongdoing or violations of the law. If the reason your buddy is depressed is that you and your partner had a disagreement, it may be time to forgive and reconcile.

The Bottom Line

A sign on the road that says better days ahead

Many scientific studies have shown that giving in almost any form provides huge advantages for the person who is giving. The benefits of this include improved mood, a stronger feeling of well-being, reduced stress levels, lower blood pressure, and even longer life. Making someone feel better will also prove beneficial for you as well.

Read more about How To Support Someone

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