The prospect of establishing a company is really appealing. Many ideas, on the other hand, need the investment of time, money, and danger. Contrary to common assumption, there are a variety of approaches to starting a company that allows you to spend less time worrying about logistics and upfront expenditures and more time focusing on getting things up and running.

These small-enterprise ideas are a perfect starting point for newbies, bootstrappers, and anybody with a hectic schedule, and they allow you to start a side company without having to leave everything else you’re doing in your current position.

In order to succeed, you must come up with a sound concept, establish a brand, invest time and resources in marketing, and give exceptional customer service. However, there are methods to save many typical beginning expenditures, such as initial inventory, storage, and retail space, if you plan ahead of time.

The best small business ideas you may start on your own with low overhead are provided below.

Freelance Writer

A freelance writer preparing for writing, on his table there are his galssess a few pictures and a filled up coffe cup

The term “Freelance Writer” refers to a writer who works as a self-employed contractor for an organization, rather than as a full- or part-time employee of the company. Unsolicited material for multiple outlets and channels, such as websites and press releases, maybe written by a Freelance Writer who is a generalist.

If you have writing abilities, there is someone out there who is eager to compensate you for your efforts. Prepare a portfolio of work that you can show to prospective clients by writing blog posts, magazine articles, and website text in large quantities. Even if you just design a few sample pieces to have on hand, they will assist you in exhibiting your work and attracting new business opportunities.

Create digital products or online courses

A laptop whihc displayes the sentence join us online

Music, courses, podcasts, online courses, and templates are examples of digital items that stand out among this list of small company ideas. They are not palpable in the same way that the others are. Your margins will stay strong since there are no recurrent production or shipping expenses to worry about, making this one of the greatest companies to start yet another no-brainer.

The challenge is determining what characteristics make for a successful digital offering. What is so valuable that people are prepared to pay money to have it downloaded? Information items and templates that assist individuals to build up their skill sets in a given profession are among the responses, which vary from unique instrumental beats to stock photographs that can be leased to other artists.

You should consider packaging your skills and turning them into a new source of income if you have one that can be made into a digital product. In addition to physical items, Shopify offers a free Digital Downloads tool that enables you to sell digital products in your shop just as effortlessly as real ones.

Start a landscaping business

A man triming the grass

An excellent side business. Do you have a passion for nature and outdoor design? A landscaping firm might be a fantastic choice for you. Changing and maintaining the visible characteristics of a piece of land is referred to as landscaping, which is also known as lawn care in certain circles.

You are in charge of bringing beauty to life via the use of natural, living components such as flowers, grass, and trees. Until 2025, the landscaping market in the United States is predicted to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 4.5 percent.

Younger families throughout the nation are increasing their need for home outdoor landscape upkeep, according to industry experts. The level of competition in the marketplace is modest. In addition to larger national landscaping firms such as TruGreen, you’ll come up against smaller local service providers.

Sell a service

A sign that says sale with a shadow of a man

Sell online services. Although providing services is not a passive way to earn a living, it may be a profitable business venture to become self-employed and have your customer base. When it comes to service-based small company ideas, “time” is both your inventory and your most valuable asset. You only have a certain number of hours in a day to get things done.

However, if you have abilities that are in high demand, this makes it simpler to get started and stay on track. Writers, graphic designers, virtual assistants, search engine optimization practitioners, cleaning service providers, dog walkers, real estate agents, and many more professions may create a company around their talents.

Offering these talents as an ongoing service or starting a consulting business that provides project advice are also options. The fact that it may be combined with any of the other concepts listed above to generate new income streams by “productizing” services via the sale of real or digital items makes it one of the most promising business options.

For example, a photographer may provide services at a local event while also selling prints on the internet via their Instagram account. A copywriting swipe file with high-converting sales copy may be sold by a freelance writer.

Incorporating tangible things into your service-based company may provide you with an additional stream of revenue that is not directly related to your time. Use the BookThatApp or Acerill Appointment Booking for Shopify apps to allow customers to book a session or consultation with you, or to purchase tickets to a class with you, directly from your shop.

Join an affiliate marketing program

A laptop with affiliate marketing graphs and figures

Take a free guide online to increase your knowledge about affiliate marketing. Join an affiliate membership program. Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy in which a corporation compensates individuals, referred to as affiliates, for promoting and selling their items on their behalf. Every time an affiliate brings in a new client, the firm rewards them with a commission on their efforts.

Affiliates may advertise items on their blogs, social media accounts, or websites, as well as in forums and online communities. The majority of people consider affiliate marketing to be a low-cost side hustle that can grow into a successful company over time.

To become a member of an affiliate program, complete the following steps:

  • Try to find an affiliate program on a website such as ShareASale, Commission Junction, or LinkShare.
  • Make a list of the offerings you wish to advertise.
  • Make use of an affiliate link.
  • Spread the word about this link across your assets.
  • Every time someone joins up or makes a purchase after clicking on your link, you will get a commission.

The commission rate varies based on the firm and the product being promoted. If you’re marketing a class or event, you may earn as little as 5 percent on each transaction, but you could earn as much as 50 percent if you promote a class or event. Some affiliate schemes may charge a flat cost rather than a percentage of the sale.

Phone accessories

A phone with its accesories

A large number of individuals now possess mobile phones, which means there is a large market for phone accessories. However, it is important to keep in mind that you will not have a head start here. In addition, there are a variety of alternative approaches you may take with these items, like print on demand, handcrafted, product niches, dropshipping, and more.

Some suggestions for phone accessories to sell are as follows:

  • Cases for mobile phones
  • Holders for automobiles and desks
  • Tripods sCharms
  • Earbuds/headphones
  • Bluetooth-enabled speakers
  • Chargers that are portable
  • Wireless chargers

When you’re selling your phone accessories for sale, don’t forget to specify which devices they’re designed to work with. Customer service is important, and you don’t want to give them a poor, but preventable, experience by sending them an item they can’t even use!

Errand Service

A cute dog enjoying a walk outside

A very easy business. A firm that provides errand services might be a logical extension of a supermarket delivery service or the reverse. Having said that, if you currently own a vehicle, you are prepared to begin the process.

People often need someone to check on their dog at home or to go to the grocery for them if they are confined to their homes. In order to get a sense of what type of labor the company would entail and to get a feel for how much money it might make, consider signing up with, an online platform that links those who need errands done with those who are prepared to do them for an agreed-upon amount.

The need to spend money on marketing yourself is eliminated as a result of this (at least at first). It’s possible that you’ll find a successful niche that matches your personality and interests.

For example, if you get a large number of requests to transport pets to veterinarian appointments, you can consider repositioning yourself as a pet taxi service.

Flea Market Vending

A big flea market

A flea market (also known as a swap meet) is a form of street market that allows sellers to sell previously-owned (second-hand) goods in a public setting. There is a consistent focus on sustainable consumerism, with products such as secondhand goods, collectibles, antiques, and vintage apparel being popular choices for consumers.

There are still active flea markets in many parts of the nation, and you can find the ones nearest to you by using an internet guide. To get started on a tight budget, look for a market that allows you to pay for space by the day (which is usually less than $20).

In the meanwhile, have a look about for a low-cost specific niche into which you may reinvest your profits. What is the benefit? The money you earned by selling everything in your home that you would have otherwise thrown away or dumped at a rummage sale was yours.

Launch your own book

A journal with some notes written in it. Next to the journal there is a pen and a coffe cup

When you stop and think about it, a book is simply another form of merchandise. Because of this, you may design one in order to meet a certain market need. Cookbooks, picture books, comic books, poetry books, photo books, coffee table books, and novels are just a few of the types of unique publications that may be produced and sold on the market provided you have the necessary expertise and imagination.

There are many possibilities, which is why it is one of the greatest companies to start. Getting started with print-on-demand publication is a pretty risk-free method to get a feel for the self-publishing waters. It also allows you to have complete control over the quality and appearance of your book.

Book publishing services such as Lulu Direct and Blurb are widely used for the creation, ordering, and distribution of self-published books in both physical and digital formats. In addition, third-party marketplaces such as Amazon and Powell’s might be used to sell your product.

While it is possible to order a single book at a time, expenses are reduced when you purchase in bulk. Consider pre-selling or crowdfunding your book concept to ensure that there is a market for it and to guarantee a set number of sales so that you can feel secure placing a bulk order for your book. If you already have a blog or are considering starting one, publishing your own book might be a terrific way to monetize it.

House Painting

2 man paining a house in purple

Many jurisdictions, such as Florida, do not need a painting contractor to be licensed in order to practice their trade. If you start with interior painting, you can get by with the bare minimum of tools and resources.

Watching YouTube videos on house painting, attending free trial Home Depot courses, and doing some practice painting around your house may all be beneficial learning experiences.

The owner of a painting business with yearly sales of $2.5 million tells U.S. News & World Report that he began with $100 and went door-to-door, ultimately developing a firm with annual revenues of $2.5 million.

Offer child care


A great place to earn some additional funds. Right present, there is a problem in the provision of child care. Parents are forced to care for their children at home due to the spread of the Coronavirus, daycare closings, and growing childcare prices.

The combination of increasing demand for child care services and a shrinking supply makes for an ideal environment for launching a new company. President Joe Biden’s infrastructure package includes a commitment to public money to assist in the repair of the child care industry as well.

If you like working with children and are able to get the necessary permits, starting a new child care service may be an excellent business idea for you.

Start a dropshipping business

two boxes

Before everything, we would recommend getting and finishing a complete guide on dropshipping, before starting this business. A great way to make money is to purchase a profitable product, store the physical product, pack it, and send it.

Make your own logo design for your dropshipping business. When you’re operating a company, inventory management takes a significant amount of time and effort. Dropshipping is a simple company to start, and it is the first of our smart business ideas that we will discuss.

Dropshipping is a fulfillment model in which a third-party provider takes responsibility for storing and shipping merchandise to customers on behalf of the merchant. It’s one of the greatest companies to start since it has cheap overhead, requires little supervision, and is easily scaled.

You do not need to touch any items directly; all you are required to do is generate sales and forward orders to your supplier. In fact, it’s one of the fastest and least expensive enterprises to get off the ground.

Using a theme that focuses on a certain specialty, you may collect items from one or more suppliers into your own online eCommerce store where you can upload products on various demand platforms. When a consumer purchases a product from you, the order is sent to your supplier, who then completes the transaction on your behalf.

You are, however, still solely responsible for your own marketing and excellent customer service operations. There are both local and international suppliers with whom you may collaborate, as long as you can develop a working relationship based on trust. An unreliable supplier will reflect negatively on your company’s image.

Dropshipping is a low-cost method of determining product-market fit and launching a company before making a significant investment in your own unique items. Remember to obtain a sample for yourself to ensure that your supplier is dependable and that the quality of the items is appropriate for selling to your consumers.

Become a social media management consultant

A social media expert working with his laptop and phone

A very good idea for remote work. There are no legal documents or procedures. Globally, there are approximately 4.2 billion active users as of October 2021, according to the International Telecommunication Union.

This equates to 53.6 percent of the total population of the country. With a YouTube channel, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, TikTok, and all of the other social media platforms accessible, companies need assistance in maintaining their accounts on a consistent basis.

In the case of brands, a social media manager is in charge of developing and evaluating content for their social media profiles. Clients will pay you to publish interesting material, make visually appealing videos, answer comments, run advertisements, and do other tasks for their businesses.

Hourly rates or project rates are two options for charging your clients. It’s the ideal employment for digital nomads who want to earn money online while also establishing a small company with no capital commitment.

Invest in vending machines

Two vending machines, one red and one black

Vending machines are a one-of-a-kind business concept that requires little capital. Vending machines do, in fact, provide a means of making money. There are a variety of factors contributing to the drop, including lower foot traffic (fewer people shopping, commuting, or going to work) and hygiene-related hesitations about touching surfaces.

If you decide to go this path, you may want to consider adopting a forward-thinking strategy and looking for vending machines that provide touchless solutions. This company concept will only be effective if the correct items are offered at the right time and in the right place.

Carry out research to identify high-trafficked locations and to determine precisely who is passing by and what they could want at that particular time. Vending machines may be a successful business concept that requires a little initial investment if approached strategically.

Three tips for choosing the best business idea

The small company concepts we’ve discussed may be simpler to operate in terms of logistics, but it doesn’t make them any less difficult to manage. When weighing your alternatives, there are at least three considerations that you should bear in mind regardless of the kind of company you want to create.

Focusing on a niche makes marketing easier

A table seen from an helicopter perspective. There are plants, pencils and a piece of paper that says marketing strategy

Marketing, like with every firm, is the key to unlocking its potential for success. To successfully market your goods, it is not enough to just recognize that there is a market for them; you must also find out how to contact the individuals who are most inclined to purchase them.

You must attract the appropriate visitors to your website in order for them to find your offerings. Marketing, on the other hand, is a lot simpler when you’re catering to a certain target group or brand identity (e.g., vegans, board game lovers, photographers in your city).

You may create social media content that connects with these folks, or you can run advertisements that are tailored to their preferences. Taking this strategy also helps in the development of a consistent brand image since you will have a clearer understanding of who you are speaking to and how to communicate with them.

Pricing is about more than profit

Helicopter view of a table on which are a laptop headphones and books

If you price your things too cheap, customers may conclude that they are of inferior quality. If you charge too much for them, you run the risk of alienating certain clients. You’ll need to discover a sweet spot that allows you to account for the cost of acquiring clients as well as the cost of offering discounts, which is particularly important if you intend on spending money on advertising.

Many of the small business ideas discussed in this piece do not need you to ship your items, but you will still need to pay the costs of transporting your products to your customers. Consider your delivery expenses and how they will change depending on which countries you want to service.

Many online vendors attempt to include their delivery expenses in their retail prices in order to be able to provide free shipping or at the very least a competitive flat rate. To optimize their profit, some retailers use conditional free shipping (for example, free shipping on purchases above $50) to entice buyers to add more goods to their carts and so increase their overall profit.

The bottom line is that your rates can be adjusted, and you can experiment with a number of pricing techniques until you discover one that works well for you and your business.

Test, learn, and grow as you go

An arrow below a sign that says go up and never stop

When it comes to starting a company, one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome is the quest of perfection. It’s important to remember that nothing is fixed in stone. Products may be switched in and out rather quickly (particularly if you’re not tied to a certain amount of inventory).

It is possible to revamp your shop. You have the ability to change your pricing. You have the option of switching to a better provider. In addition, you may confirm all of your selections using any one of the hundreds of signals that you have at your disposal (traffic, how much time people are spending on your site, reviews, abandoned carts, etc.).

If your project isn’t turning out the way you had hoped, consider how you may be able to change course before giving up. Even if you attempt a new product or method, there are certain characteristics of your own company that you can always recover.

Investing effort in developing your brand and gaining followers on social media or on your email list are both valuable assets that may be repurposed for your next business venture.

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