From vintage Baterangs to spectacular shock gloves, Batman wouldn’t be able to safeguard Gotham without these ten incredible inventions and equipment.

Throughout the four Batman: Arkham games, Batman battles a slew of villains and dangers while relying on his beloved utility belt, which is brimming with gadgets.

The Arkham games allow the player the means to travel Gotham and battle criminals in a variety of methods, from Batarangs to the renowned grapnel rifle.

Like a superhero with no inherent abilities, Batman must rely heavily on his tools. Fortunately, his gear has lasted him four games in the last twelve years, and fans are eager to see what new devices will appear in the forthcoming Gotham Knights game.

Line Launcher

Batman Zipeliening near a church

The Line Launcher, first shown in Batman: Arkham Asylum, is primarily utilized to cross chasms and other regions where the grapnel cannon cannot, as well as to assist Batman in solving riddles through a zipline.

The Line Launcher, on the other hand, maybe utilized efficiently in predator and combat missions if deployed correctly. The line launcher improves in the sequels, including the ability to generate a zipline in mid-air with a single button press. With additional improvements, the line launcher becomes a lethal weapon that also serves as a viable mode of transportation.


Batman holding a gadget

The R.E.C. (Remote Electric Charge) is a device that shoots a positive and negative charge. Its primary use is to operate electronically controlled doors and other electric-based challenges.

Whether it’s employing an electric current to make a big crane seem to open a locked door or selling Riddler’s challenges, the Riddler has done it all.

It may be used in battle to stun adversaries, much as the Glue Grenade. When confronted with a thug using a melee weapon or a hefty bruiser thug, stunning them with the R.E.C. causes them to whirl and accidentally attack their teammates.

A similar device appears in Marvel’s Spider-Man, demonstrating one of many parallels between the Spider-Man and Arkham games.

Sonic Batarang

Batman attempting to throw a gadget

Similar gadget to the Batarang, only this has sonic power. Fans of predator encounters are well aware of the use of this device.

This variant of Batarang may be used to entice a criminal to a location where Batman can take them out in whatever manner he sees fit. It may also be utilized as a diversion to enable the player to focus on a different thug.

That’s only the start of this gadget’s potential, since it, like other gadgets, may be enhanced throughout the game.

It draws a burglar in with the correct upgrade, only to be shocked with an electric jolt. Unfortunately, it serves no use in combat operations, although it does provide entertainment during stealth missions.

Shock Gloves

Batman fighting villians

Young batman did not have these to fight baddies of gotham. However older batman had these electric shock gloves to fight a couple of goons.

These gadgets help Batman fight much man in different ways and with intrinsic powers conquer some of the best villains from Batman Arkham Knight.

A teenage Batman updates his gauntlets thanks to the Electrocutioner; when charged with enough kinetic energy, he can activate his new Shock Gloves, which unleash electrifying punches that cause twice the damage.

The Shock Gloves are a lot of fun, but they’re best saved for emergencies since they may be a little overpowering in certain situations.

The Shock Gloves assist in the solution of various riddles across the city and even play a pivotal role later in the plot. Unfortunately, this technique saved for the Nintendo Wii U version of Arkham City is only seen in Arkham Origins.

Explosive Gel

Batman using a gadget

One of the more useful gadgets but also a deadly tool with the main purpose of a hand grenade for quick escapes. Similar to the disruptor in knight. Weak walls are easily crushed by this gel. In the humble beginning, batman did not have this gel.

The explosive gel is by far the most often utilized item in all four games. From completing riddles to spectacular predator takedowns to even conquering some of the Arkham games’ many boss battles, there’s something for everyone in the Arkham games.

Due to its several purposes, the explosive gel has become the Arkham games’ hallmark weapon. It may be used to destroy an adversary through a trap or to tear down cracked barriers to access more of the area. It can be used in battle, but it necessitates exact timing.

The explosion may also be utilized as a noisy diversion, and it’s evident that Rocksteady was proud of this device, since it can be employed in a variety of ways throughout all four games.

Freeze Blast/Glue Grenade

Batman holding a blue gadget

The freezing blast and the remote hacking device are some of the fan favorites. Batman is granted the ability to incapacitate adversaries with a cryogenic grenade thanks to Mr. Freeze’s assistance.

It first appeared in Arkham City and has the ability to generate ice rafts, as well as proximity mines and cluster bombs. These are especially useful in predator confrontations since they allow for more imaginative takedowns.

The glue grenade, which works in a similar manner but with a clay-like material that hardens, is a forerunner to this device in the unjustly overlooked Batman: Arkham Origins.

A lesser-known use for these devices is to hold certain adversaries at bay during the fight, so raising the variety bonus and earning more points and experience.


Batman throwing a Batarang

Most fans immediately think of Batman’s trusty Batarang, which has appeared in several iterations in comic books, films, and, of course, video games.

The Arkhamverse incarnation is multipurpose, having the power to shock and completely incapacitate an opponent if employed correctly in combat. The Batarang has several advancements throughout the series, including the capacity to be controlled remotely by Batman. It has the ability to stun others.

For specialized strikes, it may even be programmed to reverse course in mid-flight. To attack several targets, Batman may use up to three Batarangs at once. Another favorite was the cryptographic sequencer which helped in a lot of situations.

An alternate Batarang to this one is the sonic Batarang with the addition of a feature that is available for a good couple of uses.

Voice Synthesizer

Batman looking at a gadget

The Sonic Batarang was dropped from Batman: Arkham Knight, much to the dismay of longstanding fans. The Voice Synthesizer, on the other hand, served as a spiritual successor.

While it can’t electrocute criminals, it may nevertheless entice them into a variety of traps set by the Dark Knight. Depending on whatever party Batman is up against, the Voice Synthesizer enables Batman to command them about by imitating the leader’s voice.

Hearing Kevin Conroy’s Batman suddenly sounds like Tara Strong’s renowned Harley Quinn portrayal adds a layer of hilarity. The Voice Synthesizer, when used with the remote hacking tool, may result in shocks, explosions, or any other method the player can think of.


Three pictures of the Batman

This is one of the best gadgets with limited uses and viable uses that will help batman with his enemies. The many snipers and other gun-wielding opponents in Arkham Asylum may be aggravating to deal with.

So, in Arkham City, Rocksteady granted players the ability to use the disruptor to fight against such foes. It achieves just that in Arkham City, disarming guns to enable unique takedowns and other fighting choices.

It was updated in Arkham Knight to be able to destroy everything from huge drones and turrets to a wide range of weaponry. In Arkham Knight, using the disruptor twice on a weapon will cause it to explode. The disruptor became one of the most important tools as the Arkhamverse developed.

Grapnel Accelerator

Batman in a factory

A proper upgrade to the faction batman in the later games, helps him reach the gang leader easily. Batman’s gadgets are very important to him. This one is from the new gadgets.

The Grapnel Accelerator is the most important device, even if the explosive gel is the most frequent. When Batman can only glide, traversing Arkham City may be a pain.

If the player completes all of the augmented reality challenges, they will get the Grapnel Accelerator, a device that enables Batman to accelerate his grapnel and immediately shift into gliding.

Despite being a prototype in Arkham City, this concept proved so popular that it was used in Arkham Origins at the risk of breaking continuity. It receives enhancements in Arkham Knight, allowing for much quicker glide and considerably superior navigation.

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