Is it true that your soul was born on this planet? Are you a Starseed or a Starseed descendant? Planets, galaxies, and star clusters far outside our solar system transported about 78 million humans to Earth. The Lightbringer entities known as Starseeds are interplanetary Lightbringers. But did you know that there are a variety of starseeds roaming the planet?

We go into each Starseed type’s characteristics, spiritual talents, home culture, and other intriguing details in this post. You’re probably reading this because you already think you’re a Starseed. You’re probably thinking now, “What kind of Starseed am I?” There’s a good chance it’s more than one. A Starseed that is a pure ‘breed’ of just one Starseed kind is uncommon. Why?

Because starseeds have often lived several lives on a variety of planets, stars, and solar systems. The human race is big, and every human has his brightest star. Many people have a strong desire to determine if they are part of an advanced civilization, and they achieve that by seeing many of the different types of starseeds.

So it matters if you are a Taurus Constellation, Bootes Constellation or the black sheep one. Ancients believe that all of the starseeds determine on what kind of big mission every person is on. Every one has its own common goal with a true nature and a specific purpose. Ancient Egyptians believe that spiritual mastery is tied to natural healers not to tarot readers like the media potrays it.

Sirian Starseeds

a bright night sky above a city

Sirians hail from the Sirius Dog Star, commonly known as Alpha Canis Majoris. They also call the people of these star seeds quiet warriors. Sirius A or Sirius B are both possible sources of souls (a water planet that vibrates in the 6th dimension at an incredible frequency).

These planets are where the Akashic records are kept. On Earth, the Sirians serve as peacekeepers and guardians. They may seem to be fighters, but their true mission is to lead us through war, natural disasters, and other tragedies.

They have powerful energy regardless of their stature, and they may also be incredibly sensitive empaths, even if they choose to suppress this aspect of themselves. The sole purpose of spiritual practices is to connect the telepathic race to its ancient civilization through natural resources.

Orion Starseeds

white stars in a dark night

The Orion constellation is very interesting. You originate from the constellation Orion if you are an Orion Starseed. This is a highly brilliant cluster of stars that can be seen without a telescope from Earth, although there are higher-dimensional counterparts that are invisible to the naked eye, even on a clear night. Orion Starseeds have a strong cerebral and rational side.

They may excel in science or logical thinking, but they may excel in almost any subject as long as they can utilize their minds. They are task-oriented and will complete a job until it is completed. These Starseeds believe in advancement for the sake of progress, therefore they may be enthralled by a new concept or technology, even if it has no direct application for them.

They prioritize logic above everything else. The type of starseed am or the people carrying this Starseed are most of the time called rainbow children because of the vivid colors of the stars.

Draconian Starseeds

the milky way in the galaxy

The Draco constellation, which is just 303 light-years away from Earth, produces Draconian starseeds. Some Draconians, though not all, are Reptilians. Though Draconians are often considered “evil,” this is not always the case. Other varieties of starseeds are able to take energy from Source, but Draconians are not.

While an Arcturian starseed may withdraw to spend time alone, meditate, or go for a stroll and feel reenergized, Draconians cannot do so. They are very concerned with child care. Draconians, on the other hand, are more likely to seek energy from other individuals. This implies they have the ability to create drama, influence people, and even derive energy from violent or chaotic events.

Draconians may learn to get energy from other sources, such as the four elements, but they must do it intentionally. Many Draconians are either unaware of this or prefer to get their energy from others. If you’ve ever been around a Draconian who does this, you’re probably exhausted and drained.

Mintakan Starseeds

the sky photographed on a warm summer night

Mintakan starseeds originate from Orion’s belt, especially from the planet Artuvia, which is made up entirely of crystal pure water. Mintakans were mermaid-like creatures that lived mostly underwater planet Artuvia. Unfortunately, owing to Reptilians’ environmental degradation, Artuvia is no longer livable.

Mintakans are particularly homesick because they intuitively understand that they would never be able to return. Many Mintakans are attracted to water and marine animals because they remind them of their homeland.

They have a profound feeling of grief that is difficult to let go of, while being incredibly positive spirits (full with love and compassion). Some Mintakans are adamant about not being here on Earth, and they may acquire phobias or other issues that make their existence difficult.

Others may urge for love and peace at any costs (since they want to restore their nation), but they disregard the reality that these ideals are not universal. Mintakans are renowned for wearing “rose-colored spectacles” on Earth since this was quite normal on their planet.

They are sometimes tied to planets Sirius A and humans of the mother earth that have a contact to the fifth dimension or some kind of spiritual life achieved through yoga or meditation.

Feline Starseeds

a night sky above the mountains full of stars

The souls of the Lyran star system are among the planet’s oldest starseeds. They are mostly Feline or Avian souls from Lyra, however I believe Feline souls are more frequent here. Lyran starseeds have a natural confidence in life’s flow.

They don’t need to micromanage or control things since they know everything is going to plan. This implies that, depending on the scenario, they’re also rather adaptive. The Lyra constellation has some pretty interesting traits. Lyrans are known for their independence. They’re the kind of folks that aren’t hesitant to try anything new and aren’t frightened of much.

You’ll probably recognize a Lyran immediately away if you encounter one. They exude confidence but aren’t arrogant; they just seem at ease with themselves. Many Lyrans have a feline-like energy. They know exactly what they want and how to get it, so they don’t have to tell you everything.

Lyrans are usually marked with Feline or Avian markings. Some Lyrans have cat-like looks or are energetic with a strong intellect, while others resemble birds (long nose, fingers, thin face, etc.). Since they had to evacuate most of their home worlds, Lyrans are here for a variety of reasons.

Others come for a fresh experience, while others come to aid mankind. They have no fear of anything, even reincarnating on a different planet!

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