Ground-type Pokemon are one of the series’ most powerful kinds. Many Ground Pokemon are also dual-typed, which opens up a slew of new typing possibilities.

Most Ground-type Pokemon have a large moveset at their disposal, allowing them to perform some impressive feats and attacks. Ground Pokémon are often stereotyped as ferocious, rough, and brutish animals, which is partially accurate.

They are ferocious and tough, but not brutal. Furthermore, they include some of the franchise’s greatest and most unique designs and ideas. These Pokémon are nothing short of memorable, with designs ranging from tires to protective jackets and gargoyles.

A disclaimer: We prepared some Amazon links in this article, so you can purchase the pokemon-themed merch or cards.


cartoon character between green trees

Rhyperior was debuted in Diamond & Pearl as the second generation’s version of the popular Rhydon. Rhyperior retains its ancestors’ Ground/Rock typing, a gold standard for conventional notions.

The high Attack and low Special Attack, as well as a slew of physical techniques like Earthquake and Rock Slide, indicate that it understands precisely what it is and excels at it. It also learns Rock Wrecker, a 150 base power move with a recharge turn, at level 75. But, in many cases, the wait is well worth it.


an elephant cartoon character

This Ground-type Pokemon from Generation 2 is well-known for being a member of Ash’s Johto squad. While Phanpy, the prevolution, struggles to find a squad, Donphan, a Ground-type tank with a base Defense stat of 120, is a good pick. Its 60-base Special Defense is, however, a letdown.

This harsh elephant line, however, does not have all negative news. Ice Shard may be learned as an egg move for Trainers who wish to take the time to breed a competitively viable Donphan or Phanpy. Ice moves are x2 weak against Ground-type Pokemon, making it a devastating assault for other Ground-type opponents.


a dragon with fire behind it

Isn’t it true that ground/dragon conjures up images of a grounded dragon? Flygon, on the other hand, obtains access to the sky above with the Levitate Ability, giving him a larger range of options for a Pokemon that already has a lot to pick from.

Attack and Speed are Flygon’s greatest and most essential characteristics, allowing players to swoop in quickly before rebounding back when things become tough.


brown logo on a violet background

Since Generation 1, trainers have been enamored with this fast-moving pile of dirt. This Ground-type Mole Pokemon has a mysterious aura about it, despite having one of the lowest basic HP numbers in Kanto. What’s under the surface of the water? No one has any idea.

It appeared also in one of the popular pages of the pokemon comic books. Diglett has strong ground attacks and important stats suggest that it is even stronger than some mouse pokemon. However, the ground pokémon stat averages and attack stat suggest that the dual rock types are the strongest types that can fight with Diglett.


red and brown logo on a violet and blue background

The Alolan Dugtrio. It’s simply a pity that the evolution line terminates with Dugtrio. Trainers have pondered whether this Pokemon’s number of heads may be increased via additional evolutions. How would a Dugquad appear? What is a Dughept?

It’s entertaining to imagine. It is similar to the dugquad look and it is the only type that has a base stat total of the type of attack on high time. Its good coverage in times of defense is grass and its signature move involves effective matchups with other ground-type pokemon.


little blue elephant on a blue background

While Phanpy is one of the prettiest Ground-type Pokemon, it is also one of the weakest due to its terrible. everything. Of course, everything is taken into consideration in this rating, including basic numbers, franchise effect, and overall charming appeal.

Phanpy, on the other hand, is sadly irreplaceable. Phanpy and Zygarde are pokemon names that are a great addition to anyone’s collection because of the ability sand stream.


a carton character from the popular anime pokemon

There’s a reason why putting this monster together and bringing it back to life takes so long. The whole Forme of Zygarde is enormous, not just in size but also in power.

It boasts an almost astounding base HP of 216, with the proviso that it’s Complete Forme is only available if it has lost half or more of its health in combat.

The Ground-type Thousand Arrows is Zygarde’s hallmark move, and it can attack Flying-types and any Pokemon in the air. Few Pokemon can stand a chance against this massive legendary beast when combined with stat-boosting Dragon Dance.


a little brown donkey photographed infront of a pink background

The Donkey Pokemon is a Ground-type Pokemon that is surprisingly charming. Mudbray was, unfortunately, over-hunted, and it can now only be found in the wild on the Alola islands.

While this raises ethical concerns about capturing one for a Pokedex, it’s still lovely.


yellow and brown cartoon character from the anime Pokemon

Sandslash is the evolution of Sandshrew, the first ground-type Pokemon recorded in the Kantonian Pokedex. While Sandslash possesses adequate Attack and Defense, the drop-in design quality from Sandshrew’s adorableness has left some gamers unhappy over the years.

Alolan Sandslash is a whole other tale, however, because of its Ice/Steel type, it will not be featured on this list. The Alolan sandslash is one of Ice’s strong matchups. It was mentioned in the playground discourse of the steel trainers of competitive players.

It is a lonely pokemon with dark eyes which can mega evolve into different forms. Also, its original designs without evolving have some powerful tricks.


red and black color dragon infront of a fire

Groudon is the Ground-type Pokemon’s mascot. It is a legendary Pokemon from the Hoenn area, and it is well known for controlling and generating land in the Pokemon universe.

This legendary beast is claimed to be as ancient as the earth itself, and it has aided in the formation of many landmasses around the globe.

Groudon is a Ground-type Pokémon with a potent mix of largely Ground and Fire-type attacks and very high stats. Its Primal Reversion abilities, which let it turn into Primal Groudon, set it apart from Zygarde. Precipice Blades, a 120 base power unique Ground move, is already a significant danger; as a Primal, it becomes absurd.

Such speed of the Groudon finds weak spots and puts total terror in the hearts of many players. In different story comics, it also is stronger than some lightning pokémon types and other common type beasts.

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