From freezing rain to ice pellets, there are different types of precipitation out there. The type of precipitation for example snow pellets is very different from common types of precipitation like small hail which is orographic precipitation. There are also other common forms and examples of precipitation like a sun shower.

But what is exactly the precipitation definition? Different forms and precipitation forms are solid water formed on the surface of the earth or sky. There are different precipitation world records and uniform precipitation of pieces of ice that are part of the water cycle which produce a thin layer of smaller drops which in return, depending on the type of water of cold regions, produces snow fall or acid rain.

The precipitation process is part of various rain droplets and opaque grains of ice that are at their freezing point and which form in atmospheric conditions of the climate. Various air currents require a detailed look at their solid state to determine fog droplets and form of needles in different patterns of snow melts.

On the other side, various heat islands on planet earth never see crystals of ice because of their drier conditions. This is because of the condensation takes and average annual rainfall which is a common misconception at the low angle.

Sometimes the earth’s atmosphere produces a relief rainfall but in the form of a ball of snow these regions never experience it. This was just a brief introduction, below you will see a detailed look at different types of precipitation.

You should just remember that precipitation is the process through which all types of the waterfall from the sky to the ground. 

Important Forms Of Participation

white clouds


a person in a coat holding an umbrella on a rainy day

Rain is the most prevalent kind of precipitation, and it happens when water droplets fall to the ground. It occurs as a result of coalescence. When two or more water particles combine to produce a single bubble, particle, or droplet, this is known as fusion.

The water droplets are spherical in form and vary in size from 0.1 millimeters to 9 millimeters. The term “acid rain” refers to a kind of rain. When contaminants in the atmosphere contaminate water particles as they form water droplets, this occurs.

Although acid rain has no direct effect on people, it may destroy the natural environment, including plants, seas, rivers, and lakes. 


green grass photographed on a rainy day

Drizzle is a different kind of rain. It is made up of light water precipitation with smaller liquid water particles than rain.

When updrafts in clouds aren’t powerful enough to create rain, this may happen. Drizzle is frequently caused by low-level clouds known as stratiform clouds.’ 

Sun Shower

raining on a sunny day

A sun shower is a unique meteorological occurrence in which it rains when the sun is shining yet there are no clouds. A sun shower is usually caused by winds connected with a rainstorm a few miles away, which deliver rainfall to a location where there are no rain clouds.

Sun showers may also happen when a little rain cloud passes over the area where the sun is shining. Rainbows arise during a sun shower when the sun is at a low enough angle to cause the colorful phenomenon. 

Ice Pellets, Or Sleet

ice cubes in a freezer

A widespread misunderstanding is that ice pellets (or sleet) are the same as hail. What, on the other hand, are ice pellets or sleet? It’s a kind of precipitation that involves little ice balls dropping from the sky. Ice pellets may be as large as hailstones at times.

They are generated when rain flows through the air at low temperatures and freezes rain droplets or refreezes huge melting snowflakes. Ice pellets have a spherical form and are often transparent, so they bounce when they contact a hard ground surface and generate a sound. 

Small Hail, Or Snow Pellets

snowing photographed from a cabin window

Snow pellets, also known as ‘graupel’ or soft/small hail,’ are ice particles formed when low-temperature water droplets freeze on falling snowflakes, forming 2-5 millimeter conical or spherical ice particles.

Snow pellets are often delicate and easily crushed. They frequently bounce once when they fall upon a hard surface, but they usually shatter. 

Snow Grains

a snowflake

Snow grains are a kind of precipitation made up of microscopic opaque white ice particles that fall from the sky to the ground. Snow grains are elongated, small-scaled particles with a diameter of around 1 millimeter.

This kind of precipitation has the same features as a drizzle. Snow grains usually fall in modest amounts, with the exception of certain mountains, where snow grains tend to fall in large numbers. When snow grains collide with firm ground, unlike snow pellets, they do not rebound. 

Important Types Of Participation

red clouds infront of a blue sky photographed from the ground

Cyclonic Precipitation

a wheat field photographed on a sunny day

A cyclone is a low-pressure area in the Earth’s atmosphere that moves in a circular manner.

The lifting of moist air mass due to the pressure differential causes cyclonic precipitation. The migration of a cold-moist air mass boundary causes the non-frontal precipitation. 

Orographic Precipitation

dark clouds photographed from an airplane

When moist air rises over a mountain range, orographic precipitation occurs.

It cools as it rises, forming orographic clouds that are the source of rain that falls on the mountain surface later. 

Convective Precipitation

white clouds infront of a blue sky photographed from the airplane

When warm, moist air convects, it causes convectional rain. Warm air rises upward, cools, and precipitates as convective precipitation. 

Check out other interesting facts about precipitation below.

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