Even if you’ve planned you’re itinerary and purchased your tickets, can you really claim you’re ready to go on your backpacking vacation if you haven’t packed? We understand your frustration; figuring out where, to begin with, your hiking packing, and backpacking checklist may be daunting, especially if this is your first long-term excursion.

Perhaps the prospect of whittling down your backpacking basics is intimidating, or perhaps you have no idea where to begin?! Don’t be alarmed if this describes how you’re feeling.

We’re here to guide you through the fundamentals and help you figure out your ultimate backpacking needs – as well as assist you to eliminate the items you don’t need to avoid overpacking.

Because carrying a bag that’s excessively hefty will kill your enthusiasm, and you’ll simply wind up tossing the useless goods anyhow. Check out our list and a full review on the top 10 best backpacking essentials you should consider.

A disclaimer is that this post may include some affiliate links on which we will earn a small commission if you buy something. Without further ado, we present to you our list.

First Aid Kit

a first aid kit

Even if you’re attempting to travel light, don’t skimp on your first-aid kit; it’s just not worth it!

You may purchase a pre-stocked travel first aid kit or a medical kit that will include all of the self-care backpacking trip basics, such as bandages and antibacterial wipes, but we suggest adding some, if not all, of the following items… just in case! 

Travel Towel

a light blue color towel for the beach

We also suggest getting a travel towel rather than bringing a regular one. The ones that are attached are made of microfibre, which makes them very light and fast to dry.

Just a reminder to make sure they are thoroughly dry before storing them; else, they may get stinky.


Toiletry Bag

a light pink color laptop bag

We understand that many of them will be based on personal choice, but if you’re attempting to pack light, these are the things you shouldn’t leave home without.

This toiletry bag is ideal for keeping things in order: 

  • Wet Wipes
  • Deodorant
  • Floss, toothpaste, and toothbrush
  • Hygiene products for women
  • Shampoo and conditioner — instead of large bottles, we propose shampoo bars, which are more compact and environmentally friendly.
  • Moisturizer with suncream and aftersun lip balm 

Duct Tape

a green color duct tape

Duct tape may be used to patch a break in a water container if you’re in a survival scenario and it begins to leak. Duct tape may be used to repair a variety of defects, including holes in small boats and holes in tents.

Duct tape may be twisted to make a strong rope or cord that can be used for a variety of reasons in an emergency. 

Rain Cover 

a lime green color rain cover for a backpack

The best backpacks include rain cover in the already. When hiking in the rain, a rain cover is suggested since it protects your backpack and all of its contents (both inside and outside of your pack) from becoming wet.

The best approach for keeping your goods dry during severe downpours is to combine a rain cover with a waterproof pack liner and dry bags. 

Hand Sanitizer

6 see through bottles of hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizers are disinfectants and antiseptics that are used to kill germs (pathogens) such as viruses, fungus, and bacteria. Most alcohol-based hand sanitizers are available in gel, foam, or liquid form. One of the most important advantages of hand sanitizer is that it sanitizes.

These products were created to destroy germs, and they do so effectively. Hand sanitizers, when used correctly, can eradicate 99.9% of germs on your hands. 

Pairs Of Pants

olive pink and grey color sweat pants

Carrying many pants while traveling is very important. Your legs should always be dry and comfortable. A t-shirt or a hoodie can sometimes be wet which is manageable, but when pants are wet and become cold it is very uncomfortable.

Also, camp shoes for a longterm travel if you have extra space. The most brilliant backpack products or a toiletries bag have enough space.

Water Filter Bottle  

a blue color water bottle with a white lid

You can now have fresh filtered water wherever you go with a reusable, BPA-free water bottle that includes a filter as part of the design. The innovative MicroDisc filters the water as you drink it, transforming any tap water into purer, better-tasting water.

A water filter eliminates contaminants from water by employing a fine physical barrier, a chemical process, or a biological process to reduce pollution. Just add it to your waterproof bag and save the extra cost of buying water somewhere.

Camera Gear 

a photo camera on a stand next to another stand

Traveling and recording everything with a camera go hand in hand. Any and all hardware needed to create photographic photographs are referred to as “gear.” Cameras, lenses, filters, tripods and heads, monopods, bean bags, camera straps/slings/holsters, flashes, light modifiers, reflectors, light stands, backdrops, batteries, bags, backpacks, cases, and other accessories are all included.

Be sure also to carry spare memory cards and a top tip is to try to use as less space as possible. Our favorite recommendation in this category for easy use is to in addition to computer gear (an external hard drive for photos for example) to include an Anker powercore for easy charging on the road.

Definitely one of the ultimate backpacking essentials in our top ten essentials, especially if you are carrying a MacBook air with you also for example.

Cash Carry

a black and brown color wallet

Carrying emergency cash with you while traveling is one of the general backpacking essentials next to passport photos and other backpacking gear.

Useful backpacking essentials and important things include clothing for cold weather or other things, but cash can buy you everything if you are not hiking in South America or something.

You can carry a credit card as the only thing if you do not prefer money, but you must consider ATMs. Just find the best deals depending on the weird place you are traveling to.

But keep in mind that cash is one of the must haves and one of the top things on our backpacking essentials checklist.

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