People are thinking more than ever about issues related to sustainability as a result of recent events that have occurred on a worldwide scale. Self-sufficiency is on the increase, and more and more people are thinking about how they may begin providing their own food supply.

Keeping chickens as a source of food for your family is a smart idea that may pay off in the long run. A hen that is happy and healthy may produce numerous eggs on a weekly basis for many years. In addition, you may harvest the chickens for their flesh, ensuring that your family will always have enough to eat regardless of what happens in the years to come.

Chickens are wonderful companions, and in addition to that, they may be a helpful source of food. It does not matter why you want to raise hens; you still need to educate yourself on the many varieties of chickens.

Because of this, we have compiled a comprehensive list of the many types of chickens. You may discover huge, bantam, egg-laying, simple, or other types of pet chickens by looking through this list. You won’t have any trouble locating the ideal option for you!

Booted Bantam

two brown chickens next to a fence

People who are interested in keeping hens as pets often choose Booted Bantams. These little chickens are well-known for the unique feathering on their legs, which gives the impression that they are wearing feather boots. This feathering gives these birds their name.

In spite of the fact that they may seem similar to the Bantam Belgian d’Uccle breed, they are not the same thing at all; the Booted Bantam does not have a beard!

The Booted Bantam is known by a variety of different names. The Germans call them “Federfuflge Zwerghuhne,” the Dutch call them “Sabelpoot,” while those in the UK and Belgium call them “Booted Bantam.”

They are recognizable by the elaborate feathering that covers their feet and legs. The average weight of a rooster is 27 ounces, whereas a hen is around 22 ounces. They are almost often kept as show birds and come in more than twenty different color types; the Lemon Millefleur is the most well-liked of them in the United Kingdom.

When maintained as pets, they have a pleasant and placid demeanor. They are adept at finding food, and hens easily transition into broody mode. The Barbu d’Uccles and the Booted Bantams are quite similar in appearance.

White Rock

white chicken on grass

One of the kinds of Plymouth Rock is referred to as the White Rock. The Rocks are a breed that was developed in the United States with the intention of serving more than one function simultaneously. For a good number of years, the broiler sector has had a favorable opinion of the White Rock.

It is an excellent chicken for small farms since it is human-friendly and likes to be handled, making it perfect for children as well as individuals who are not experienced with chickens. The chickens weigh around six pounds on average and are productive layers of huge brown eggs (usually 4-5 per week).

Because of the density of their feathering, they do well in colder climates and may also be found in the form of bantams. The perfect chicken comes from good foragers who know a lot of breeds of chicken.


three black color chickens next to a house

The Australorp Chicken breed is a type of chicken that ranges in size from small to larger and is particularly well-known for the black-colored variant. These chickens may make passable companions, but their true value lies in their ability to lay eggs. Egg production is where they really shine. These birds are capable of consistently producing more than 200 eggs in a single year, and in fact, the Australorp holds many of the world records for egg production!

The Australians proceeded to cultivate their own district breed with the goal of increasing egg production to its full potential. In an effort to differentiate itself from Orpingtons, the breed has been known by a variety of names throughout the years until settling on Australorp in the 1920s.

Egg production is one of these birds’ many strengths, and they are famous for it. You should have little trouble obtaining 250 eggs of a light brown color every year. The hen that holds the record for most eggs laid in a year produced 364 of them naturally, without the use of any artificial illumination.

Brahma Chicken

a big white color chicken

The Brahma Chicken is a beautiful bird that may be used in many different ways. They are excellent as pets because of their placid disposition, but they are also capable of successfully producing eggs. Due to the fact that Brahmas are quite huge animals, they may even be raised for their flesh. However, you shouldn’t be concerned about these birds taking flight at any point. This indicates that it is not difficult to build a pleasant range for them in your yard.

The Brahma chicken is revered for being very large, robust, and healthy. As a result, it is sometimes referred to as the “King of All Poultry.” As early as 1901, there was evidence that some birds had already attained the astonishing weight of 18 pounds. This breed, along with the Cochin, was one of the primary contributors to what came to be known as “Hen Fever.” “Hen Fever” was a national fixation with poultry that affected both the United States and England about the year 1850.

A backyard flock would benefit greatly from the addition of Brahmas. Because of their size, they are unable to fly over low fences, and their temperament is easygoing and submissive. They are robust chickens that can survive in locations with winter. The greatest thing is that they lay most of their eggs between the months of October and May! Your Brahman hens will continue to lay big, medium-brown eggs throughout the winter, even when the rest of your hens may reduce their egg output or possibly stop altogether.

Leghorn Chicken

a group of white color chickens

The Leghorn chicken is a famous breed. They are the kind of chicken that the majority of people picture when they think of chickens, especially those who have never been on a farm before. The folks who are seeking a decent egg-laying breed will find that these hens are ideal for their needs, but keeping them as pets is not recommended.

They will let you be in the coop with them, but they will not get friendly with you and will not like being handled an excessive amount. One of the more hardy chickens and friendly birds which are at the same time a rare breed.

They also call it the easter egger because of its color varieties. They are large birds and in the late 1800s, they were great pets just like black Orpingtons in North America and the cinnamon queen in the early 1900s as they provide the best qualities of eggs. Honorable mentions here include the red partridge, black stars, buff cochins, and, golden cuckoo.

Flower Hen

brown color chicken with white spots

Another one of Father Martin Silverudd’s fantastic inventions! The 55 Flower Hen, which was created in 1955 in Sweden, was Silverudd’s very first and most successful attempt at inventing a breed from scratch. These birds are of an autosexing breed that can lay eggs in sufficient numbers for commercial use. Silverudd was looking for just those features. Eggs that are huge, spherical, and cream-colored are what hens lay.

The male chicks may be identified at a day old by the fact that they have a blond feather growing down the center of their heads. Adult males have a mostly white coat, whilst adult females have a stunning spotted pattern known as “flowers” that contributes to the breed’s name. Males mature to a mostly white color. The way adult birds produce eggs is the same as other sorts. They are good egg layers and a great addition to active foragers.

Gallina di Saluzzo

white color chickens with red heads

The region of Piedmont in Italy is the home of the Gallina di Saluzzo, which literally translates as “the white hen of Saluzzo.” This breed is known for its rugged appearance and previously thrived over the whole of the area. The majority of farms in the region are small family operations, and the animals that were customarily reared there were meant for food within the family.

Along with a number of other breeds that were traditionally used for pasture-based farming in the region, this breed came dangerously close to extinction as intensive and commercial agriculture became more prevalent. Because of the breed’s historical relevance to the area, recovery efforts were initiated in 1999 with the goal of bringing it back to life.

The Gallina di Saluzzo is a dual-purpose breed. Even though they only produce around 180 eggs of a white color every year, this breed particularly excels when it comes to the dinner table. The high quality of their meat is achieved by meticulous breeding practices and very specialized feeding procedures.

They have pure white feathers with a red comb and wattles, a yellow beak, and yellow feet; this gives them the appearance of a traditional chicken. They have an average weight of between 4 and 6 pounds, which classifies them as a medium to the small-sized bird.

Jersey Giant

a big black color chicken with a red head

The Jersey Giant chicken was created in the state of New Jersey between the years 1870 and 1890. You can probably figure out just how huge these birds are just by looking at them!

The average weight of a rooster is 13 pounds, whereas a hen may easily reach 10 pounds in maturity. They are the most populous purebred chicken breed in the world.

They are renowned to be excellent layers all year round and are superior to other big breeds in terms of egg production throughout the winter. You may anticipate receiving around 260 big brown eggs every year. The barred rock hen for example has different white plumage and egg color than the Jersey giants eggs.

The Jersey Giant unquestionably lived up to its moniker as a result of its enormous size. The Jersey Giant breed is capable of reaching weights of up to 15 pounds, making it even bigger than the Brahma variety, which is known as the king of chickens.

In point of fact, it’s possible that they’re the biggest breed of chickens on the whole wide planet. In the early 1970s, the tail feathers and white skin of the chicken were different than the variety of this breed today.

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