The first indication that you are developing a cold or the flu is frequently a sore throat.

A sore throat is an inflammation of the pharynx, which is the area behind the throat. Common sore throat sensations, including scratchiness, soreness, swelling, and discomfort, are caused by that inflammation.

By taking quick action as soon as you feel the first telltale tingle or twinge of pain, you may be able to minimize the severity of your sore throat symptoms. Don’t worry if your sore throat has suddenly developed a life of its own.

There are many over-the-counter remedies for sore throats available, some of which may already be in your medicine cabinet or kitchen cabinet, ready to help reduce the pain and scratchiness.



Honey has natural antibacterial characteristics that enable it to serve as a wound healer, providing rapid pain relief while reducing inflammation, making it one of the finest treatments for a sore throat.

Charlotte Smith, MD, a doctor at Penn Medicine Urgent Care South Philadelphia, explains that honey can also destroy bacteria and aid in the defense against viral illnesses.

Honey may work well as a cough suppressant if you have a persistent cough in addition to a sore throat. A warm glass of water or tea should be thoroughly stirred after adding two tablespoons of honey. When necessary, sip throughout the day. It’s crucial to remember that infants younger than one should not be given honey.

Hot Tea

hot tea in a cup on a table

There are numerous herbal tea varieties you can try for prompt sore throat treatment. Both green tea and clove tea have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that help prevent infections while offering comfort. Teas including raspberry, chamomile, and peppermint are excellent for easing discomfort and lowering inflammation.

The best alternative for you may be chamomile tea if your voice is hoarse and you’re having trouble speaking because it can also act as a natural lubricant. Additionally, the natural numbing and pain-relieving properties of peppermint tea can help you. You might also want to consider the caffeine content while selecting the ideal tea for your sore throat.

It’s crucial to get plenty of sleep while recovering from a disease. It might be preferable to use decaffeinated tea if you’re getting ready to go to bed, advises Dr. Smith.

Gargle with saltwater

a glass of water on a wooden table

It’s a habit that many of us have developed, and it may be the first thing you consider when a sore throat develops. Warm salt water gargle eases pain, speeds up recovery, and prevents the development of oral bacteria.

One of the finest natural cures for coughs and sore throats is salt water, which also thins mucus. To relieve a sore throat, gargle twice daily.

Gargle with baking soda

a glass full of water

Although the saltwater gargle is more popular, gargling salt water with baking soda can also help soothe a sore throat. By gargling with this solution, you can get rid of bacteria and stop yeast and fungus growth.

Gargling and gently swishing with a solution of 1 cup warm water, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, and 1/8 teaspoon salt is advised by the National Cancer Institute. They advise using the rinse as needed every three hours.


white garlic

Additionally, garlic has inherent antimicrobial qualities. It contains allicin, an organosulfur substance with anti-infective properties.

Trusted Source research has revealed that regularly ingesting a garlic supplement can help stave off the common cold virus. You can obtain fresh garlic’s antibacterial qualities by including it in your diet. Perhaps your granny advised you to chew on a clove of garlic to relieve a sore throat.

You could try this because garlic has many medicinal properties, but you might want to brush your teeth afterward to protect them from enzymes and freshen your breath.

Hot sauce or cayenne pepper

red pepper

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, a naturally occurring chemical recognized for inhibiting pain receptors, and is frequently used as a pain reliever.

Although it has not been scientifically established, taking cayenne with warm water and honey helps ease sore throat pain. Keep in mind that a burning feeling at first is normal. When there are open sores in your mouth, cayenne should not be consumed.

As both can be very hot, start with only a few drops of hot sauce or a tiny sprinkle of cayenne.

Antihistamines and analgesics without a prescription

a lot of tablets on a table

An antihistamine may lessen or eliminate throat discomfort. The pain in your glands and other areas of your neck may also be relieved by acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen.

Histamines are compounds that aid in the immune system’s defense against foreign invaders. But occasionally they go too far, bringing on symptoms (like congestion and post-nasal drip) that can aggravate a sore throat, says Dr. Allan. Antihistamines can stop this overreaction from occurring.


a person in a white pajamas the bed

A sore throat that is rough and unpleasant can feel like sandpaper. Your throat and nose are moisturized by a room humidifier, which greatly improves breathing comfort. For an aromatherapy session that will soothe the throat, add a few drops of essential oil.

While you sleep at night and your body is resting and healing, keep the environment wet by running the humidifier.


a person laying on a couch

At a reasonable hour, lay your head down on your pillow and close your eyes. If necessary, repeat. Don’t undervalue the value of giving your body and voice some physical rest.

But watch out: Swelling can occasionally result from lying flat because of an increase in pressure at the base of your throat. Instead, to ease the pain and discomfort, try raising the bed, sitting up straight, or in a chair.

What to avoid if you have a sore throat

a man wrapped up in a blanket putting toothpaste in his mouth

Despite the fact that all of these treatments have been proven to reduce sore throat discomfort, there are some things you may wish to avoid.

It is advised to avoid any foods that can be difficult to swallow if you have a sore throat. Until the painful throat irritation subsides, I advise sticking to soups and soft foods.

When to seek medical attention for throat pain

a girl in a blue tank top laying on the bed

Dr. Allan suggests using your best judgment when determining whether to seek medical attention.

  • If you have significant throat pain that extends into your ear, lasts for a long time, doesn’t get better, or is sustained, call your doctor.
  • Find it difficult to breathe, open your mouth, or swallow.
  • You have blood in your saliva or are coughing up blood.
  • Feel lumps or swollen lymph nodes in your neck.
  •  If you have a rash or white patches on the back of your throat, these could be symptoms of scarlet fever or strep throat.
  • You’re feverish.
  • Losing your voice for longer than a few weeks.

Also, keep in mind that prevention is always preferable to treatment when it comes to illnesses. Regularly wash your hands. And if you do get sick, Dr. Allan advises switching out your toothbrush right away with a brand-new, germ-free one.

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