When items are improved and placed in the real world using computer-generated perceptual data, sometimes spanning many receptive modalities such as visual and auditory, haptic, and somatosensory, this is referred to as augmented reality.

AR can be defined as a system that combines the following key elements: live interaction, a combination of real and virtual worlds, and natural objects.

As a result, the experience seamlessly incorporates the natural world, which is a crucial component of the environment. This is because VR replaces the user’s actual location with a simulated one, whereas AR affects the user’s continuous impression of a real-world environment. Thus, AR and mixed reality have comparable noises.

The framework for augmented reality

a person with a black wristband holding a tablet

More than 20 frameworks are available for creating augmented reality applications. Selecting the best option can be difficult because the perfect framework for your project can speed up and simplify the development process.

You can use this article to identify the ideal AR framework for the AR app you want to create. Let’s compare some common options for various works and developments; you can read them all and choose the best one for your work.


pink clouds on the sky

The well-known open source augmented reality framework known as ARToolKit is widely used and has SDKs for the iOS, Android, Windows, Mac OS, and Linux platforms. It is frequently used for a variety of purposes as it “includes OpenGL ES2.x compatibility, integration with GPS and compass, and automatic camera calibration utilities.”

The source codes for the renowned Magic Book, 3D Live, and ARCO all contain references to ARToolKit. But before you add ARToolKit to your project, you should read the licensing terms that are on their website or on GitHub.


a small animal next to a firm logo

One of the best frameworks for augmented reality, Kudan is renowned for its quickness and aptitude to identify items with stickers or posters. With this feature, a poster can link to a payment confirmation link for an item or purchase.

On top of the actual item, a layer is applied to make Kudan. The main problem with the SDK is that face detection isn’t as accurate as it ought to be.

It is perfect for independent projects that frequently rely on crowdfunding and start-ups using the most popular augmented reality development kits because it is a free edition. There are also business licenses with further features available.

ARKit 2

a small pink and blue box

Apple’s framework for augmented reality technology was unveiled at WWDC 2017. It is a framework that enables programmers to make all of the aforementioned kinds of augmented reality apps.

This brand-new cutting-edge platform was created exclusively to demonstrate augmented reality development for Apple devices. This method is unusual because it can properly integrate virtual objects into reality by taking corner illumination into consideration.

And in 2018, Apple unveiled ARKit 2.0, which is expected to revolutionize the augmented reality space. Some things would be possible with ARKit 2, like being able to look at augmented reality models and play multiplayer games at the same time, or being able to save your progress while AR projecting so you don’t lose it when you switch to something else.


a blue and white color eye

Numerous developers use the open-source augmented reality SDK known as Simple CV. It uses the screen of the device as a lens to combine elements of the real and virtual worlds (like text, images, etc.). It consists of both real and fake elements that might be seen on the screen.

A threshold, an edge approach, and a key point search tool are some of the visual features. Its compatibility with Java, C++, and even Python is another perk of its lack of platform exclusivity.

Unreal Engine

a white logo on a black color background

Another top gaming engine, the Unreal Engine, has contributed to the creation of numerous large-scale, immersive games. Epic Games is the company that owns and maintains Unreal Engine, and they are continually integrating new technology into it. Many well-known movie CGIs were created using the Unreal Engine.

Almost everything that could be needed to create any game or image is available in the Unreal Engine. Also, Unreal Engine has a lot of asset stores and libraries that make your work easier and more effective.

Everything you would need to create realistic AR objects and images is available in the Unreal Engine. You can use the Unreal Engine to create any intricate and immersive augmented reality application or game.


a purple color letter c

Google’s ARCore is the successor of Project Tango, and it can be used for cross-platform development on both iOS and Android. ARCore was developed by Google.

ARCore is the entire toolkit for developing many platforms using a single code base. It has a wide range of application programming interfaces (APIs) that can be linked to other programs like Unity3D, Java, Android NDK, and Unreal Engine, among others.

Measure and Mole Catch are two examples of successful apps that were made with the help of ARCore.


a grey color square

Unity3D is one of the best and most widely used game production engines. Whether you are a small business or a large development organization, Unity3D provides all the tools you need to construct augmented reality apps. Unity3D is capable of producing AR games and apps of any size.

Unity3D is primarily renowned for creating immersive computer graphics and games, but we can also include amazing CGI in apps. Less coding is required, but a Unity3D design expert is needed.

Unity3D makes development simple and even aids in the creation of any made-up app with its extensive Asset Store and script marketplace. Additionally, the majority of AR frameworks include Unity3D-specific tools and extensions.


a grey and green color eye

Similar to SimpleCV, Vuforia creates virtual images that are seamlessly inserted into real photographs using the device’s screen. With this technique, flat images and basic 3D objects may be tracked and recognized in real time.

These include virtual buttons, background effects, and occlusion management, which makes it simple to find elements that are partially hidden.

It is particularly useful for people looking to develop augmented reality applications that combine digital and real-world pictures. This SDK comes in both free and paid versions. The paid version has more features.

Final words

a person in a blue shirt playing a video game

The contemporary market has been subject to extremely significant upheaval as a result of augmented reality.

Mobile application development businesses are helping to bridge the gap between people’s imaginations and the world in which they actually live as a result of the progress that has been made in the sector.

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