If you are an adventurous person, traveling alone is the best alternative since you are not bound by any obligations or responsibilities. You are the only one you have to answer to!

You don’t feel any stress and may even feel like a free bird. Since you can make your own decisions when you travel alone, it may be the most gratifying. Since you have more time to spend with and learn about yourself when you travel alone, it might be more of a journey of self-discovery.

It’s entirely up to you whether you want to visit a big city or just need to rest by the beach. But you should take precautions to protect yourself because tourists who travel alone are more likely to be taken advantage of.

Here is a list of the top solo travel destinations that you may visit and enjoy!


mountains next to a lake and green fields

Switzerland is renowned for its breathtaking scenery, and traveling by rail is arguably the best way to experience it. With a Swiss Travel Pass, you may travel freely by rail, bus, and boat while passing magnificent waterfalls, forests, and lakes. You can also get off the train to go on alpine hikes, visit ancient castles, and sip Swiss wine.

Consuming the rich, creamy pleasure is a no-brainer in the nation that created milk chocolate. Take a chocolate-themed walking tour in Lucerne or Zürich, though, or go to one of the many renowned chocolate factories, rather than just buying a bar of Toblerone or Lindt at the nearby supermarket.

Greek Islands

white bench and table next to the sea

No matter your preferred mode of transportation, visiting a few Greek islands is practically a requirement for all tourists. Because of this, you’ll encounter a wide range of people here, from giddy backpackers to experienced travelers, all of whom have interesting tales to share.

Each of the Greek Islands is ready to win your heart and persuade you to stay for all your time since they are so stunning, captivating, and fascinating, not to mention that they are filled with delicious food. The most populated islands, Kefalonia and Corfu, provide countless social possibilities, while Naxos and Icaria’s tranquility will appeal to more reserved travelers.


a white castle next to the sea

Are you looking for a brief, sunny trip without being surrounded by families and couples? Solo travelers can easily arrive alone and end up clinking bottles of Sagres with new friends that evening thanks to Portugal’s exceptional surf camp scene, which gives its shoreline a whole distinct ambiance.

With more than 800 kilometers of coastline, you can choose between towering cliffs, world-class surf breaks, dune-covered beaches, and peaceful sandy islets. Beyond the beaches, lone hikers can explore the granite peaks of Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês or the ancient towns in the less-traveled Beiras, which are becoming more and more popular with wine lovers and those looking for retreats.

Portuguese cities like Lisbon and Porto are fiercely unconventional and casual in comparison to their Spanish, French, or Italian equivalents, in addition to the country’s stunning natural surroundings. The majority of Portugal’s events are festivals, so think about scheduling a solo trip around the Festa de Santo António in Lisbon or the Festa de So Joo in Porto, or look for a smaller jazz or rock festival along the coast.


green fields and mountains with snow on top of them next to the ocean

Iceland is a country that perfectly captures many of the reasons why traveling alone is superior to traveling with a significant other. This island in the North Atlantic’s surreal vibe makes it the ideal backdrop if you’re looking for some peace and quiet and time to reflect.

Observing geysers and hot springs could inspire you to create something new. Iceland handles gorgeous isolation better than any other nation. In addition to being incredibly thoughtful, Icelanders are very friendly, so you can always strike up a conversation.

South America

zipline through a city full of buildings

South America is the ultimate adventure location since there are mountains to climb, rivers to raft, ancient ruins to discover, and jungles to explore. The best season to travel to Patagonia and the Andes is during the winter in the northern hemisphere, which is also the country’s summer.

The continent offers something for every type of traveler, from well-trodden roads in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil to pristine jungle tracks in Ecuador and Colombia. There will never be a time when you need company on the hike to Machu Picchu!

Don’t let the enormity of the continent intimidate you; South America is perfect for solo Overlanding with simple border crossings and established traveler hubs.

The well-traveled Gringo Trail, which passes through the most well-known locations on the continent, guarantees frequent encounters with other travelers and plenty of opportunities to buddy up with travelers going in the same direction.

Australia’s East Coast

a person with a bracelet photographing the mirror in the car

Australia is a very large country. That must be emphasized. For the benefit of lone travelers and betrayed lovers, the majority of the action occurs in a stretch of East Coast cities, each of which is exhilarating in its own right.

From Adelaide to Brisbane and beyond, there are numerous historic roads that enable brave travelers to stop at a number of intriguing places, each of which seems to have its own breathtaking ocean vista. Meeting new people won’t be a problem in this remote region of our lovely world because Australians are also known for their friendliness.

Costa Rica

people swimming in the sea at the time of the sunset

In a recent Happy Planet Index, which rates 140 nations on wellbeing, longevity, equality, and ecological impact, Costa Rica took the top rank out of all 140 nations due to its high life expectancy and generally high levels of well-being.

Costa Rica has long been known as the happiest country in the world, and it’s easy to see why. From whitewater rafting down the Reventazón River to ziplining through beautiful rainforests, rappelling down waterfalls, and hiking in Arenal Volcano National Park, Costa Rica has a lot of outdoor activities to satisfy your sense of adventure.

Arenal offers hot springs that are great for unwinding, or you may visit Playa Manuel Antonio, a tropical beach in Manuel Antonio National Park, where you can take in the fauna and white sands.


small boats parked near the beach

Thailand is the origin of travel for people all over the world, but this Southeast Asian paradise is still incomparable for transformative solo travel thanks to its courses in Thai cooking, massage, yoga, and scuba diving, as well as its well-traveled routes, which make Thailand especially safe for solo female travelers.

Chiang Mai offers a more laid-back urban Thai experience than Bangkok and serves as a launching point for trips to the north of Thailand, which is home to several waterfalls, dense jungles, and hippie hotspots like Pai.

Once you’ve found your ideal beach in the south, whether it’s diving with whale sharks off Ko Tao, mixing health and hedonism on Ko Phang Nguan, or kiteboarding and lounging in Hua Hin, head there. It’s actually difficult to feel worried in Thailand because of the peaceful spirituality of the country and the fact that eating well is a beautifully democratic and informal joy.

New Zealand

a city photographed at night as one of the top solo travel destinations

Backpackers, outdoor enthusiasts, and thrill-seekers venturing out on their own frequently travel to New Zealand; this is likely due to the fact that it is ranked as the second-most tranquil nation in the world by the Global Peace Index.

The nation is one of the best destinations to meet other visitors and a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. You can go whale watching in the Bay of Plenty; heli-hike across Franz Josef Glacier; hike part (or all) of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing; take a boat through the fjords, rainforests, and waterfalls of Milford Sound; or any combination of these activities.

Take a day excursion to Waiheke Island for wine tastings or travel to the Hobbiton Movie Set to explore the actual Shire if you need some downtime from all your adventuring. With so much to do, a travel companion won’t be missed.

East Africa

a tree in the middle of the field

Have you always wanted to see gorillas in the Rwandan woods, meet a Maasai chief in Kenya, or see the “Big Five” in Tanzania but were put off by the complexities of traveling alone through East Africa? A group tour can make traveling to this breathtaking part of the world easier and provide a safety net against the occasionally unpleasant experiences that first-timers in Africa may encounter.

Traveling alone is feasible in most of East Africa’s nations, especially Kenya and Tanzania, thanks to the region’s well-developed tourism infrastructure. However, joining a group tour allows you to combine a number of big game viewing safaris across several nations without having to worry about coordinating numerous tours and transportation.

The best part is that trips to these must-see locations draw a varied range of tourists, so you have a far lower chance of being the only single traveler squished between canoodling couples or the only person under 30 in a coach full of empty-nesters.

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