The bane of creativity and the scourge of productivity. It’s easy to lay the blame and even easier to advise activity as the best way to deal with boredom. However, most times we are stymied when it comes to ‘the what’ exactly should I be doing right now to kill boredom!

The problem comes with the type of things we engage in to alleviate our boredom. How many times do you get told to make productive use of your time, to engage in physical activity, etc.? The dilemma isn’t quite so simple.

After all, a walk around the park is a physical activity and technically checks quite a few boxes. But the repetition will tend to put you right back where you were, mentally idle.

Most of the activity involved in walking, even walking around a park is muscle memory and needs very little mental engagement. That is where we come in with a handy little list for you that will have you mentally engaged in no time.

Following these tips will help you achieve the littlest of things you have always wanted to do. A study shows that people who engage their idle time become 8% more productive.

Check out our list for some of the best productivity hacks and tips you can do.


Right of the bat is one of the more important productivity hacks. Research at Emory University concluded that reading non-fiction can help the brain function better and boost its connectivity.

Another study suggests that people who engage their brains with activities such as reading, chess, or puzzles are 2.5 times less prone to developing Alzheimer’s disease than those who don’t. If you prefer the feel of a real book, next time, walk to your nearest bookstore and pick up the latest offer, grab a sandwich, and head out to the park for a great afternoon.

Evaluate your productive hours

Individuals often complete the majority of their job (9.7 percent) around 11 a.m., according to statistical evidence. Furthermore, determining if you are a morning or a nocturnal person can assist you in properly planning your work.

Take a step back and figure out when you’re most productive, so you can devote the majority of your time to that task. If you believe your energies are out of control throughout the day, prepare yourself by attempting to finish most of your key duties during the day. This will allow you to accomplish more while still having time to do additional errands.

Update your resume

This one is an emergency alert for all of you who didn’t start doing it. When you have spare time at work, updating your CV is one of the most productive things you can do.

When an opportunity comes on your door, you never know what to expect, so you should always be prepared. It also provides you with a chance to assess the talents, experiences, strengths, and flaws that you’ve accumulated through time and compare them to others.

This may take some time, but it will provide you with valuable insights about how you should reflect on your job and what career options you should consider. In situations when there is the possibility of internal progress, this exercise may be quite beneficial.

Go for a walk

If you’re a workaholic who spends most of your time sitting at a desk, your health may be at danger. Sitting at your desk for lengthy periods of time without getting up and moving about may have a detrimental effect on your productivity, and studies have shown that walking has a direct correlation with your levels of creativity (see Figure 1). People who sit for lengthy periods of time at work are at a greater risk of developing a variety of diseases.

Fitting in a rigorous fitness plan into your busy schedule might be difficult, but it is very gratifying. Choosing to participate in physical activities for a short period of time each day may have a positive impact on your health.

Take a brief break at regular intervals to go for a quick walk around the workplace, even if it is just a few short blocks. It does not need you to take longer pauses in order for it to perform its wonders. Make an effort to walk about more often at work in order to increase your productivity and creativity.

Track your progress

If you have the option, locate a quiet spot where you can keep track of your progress on almost anything you wish to track.

This assessment will assist you in doing a more thorough analysis of your objectives and establishing clear priorities. It is an excellent method to draw attention to your accomplishments and to give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.

With all of your accomplishments in front of you, you are more likely to be driven to adhere to your objectives and improve your decision-making skills in the future. A good tip for tracking progress is taking photos of the things you achieved today.

Eliminate distractions

Distractions may be found wherever you look. They are also the number one deterrent to productivity. Whatever it is: social media, unwanted emails, or phone calls, they may all be productivity killers if they are not dealt properly. They may also be intellectually and physically exhausting, which can have a negative impact on your mental health as well.

Distractions must be eliminated from your environment if you want to increase your concentration and devote all of your resources to your job. First and foremost, attempt to understand what is keeping you from completing your regular job tasks and so reducing your overall productivity. Make a list of all of these items and keep track of how much time you spend on each of them.

This will provide you with a reasonable assessment of the likelihood of distractions and what you should do to avoid them. Another key point to emphasize is that our brains are kept busy by a myriad of unproductive diversions. They occupy our brain resources, which may otherwise be used for more constructive endeavors, such as reading or writing.

Make your grocery list before shoping

A must when visiting a grocery store next time. A great place also to rest from work. Make a shopping list to help you fill in some gaps in your schedule. Divide your shopping into three categories: daily, weekly, and monthly.

The aggravation of never forgetting a key item in a planned supper will be alleviated, and you’ll have a better understanding of how much money you’re spending as a result.

Anyone who is trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle will benefit from creating an advanced list of the foods they should avoid and the foods they should consume in order to achieve their objectives.

Write thank you emails

Might seem like a waste of time but it is certainly not. This is an activity that is quickly becoming obsolete owing to people’s increasingly hectic schedules, but it can make a significant difference in bringing a smile to someone’s face and ensuring that you are always remembered in your network.

To live a happy life, it is crucial to express gratitude to the people who are important to you. Make sure to include time on your list of productive things to accomplish for contemplation of the individuals who have given you the strength to be in the position you are now in.

Firstly make some email templates. It might be your coworkers, instructors, supervisors, employers, friends, or members of your family who are at risk. You may either send them handmade thank you cards or a well-written email to express your appreciation. It is also OK to send them a message via their social media sites.

This will assist you in the same way that networking at events will assist you in your professional and personal development. Take a minute to tell them how much you appreciate them all, and when you are through with a significant endeavor or have reached a significant milestone, remember to express your gratitude to the individuals who have assisted you throughout your life.

Start your personal blog

When it comes to productive activities this is a must do. This may be both entertaining and educational. The ability to share your voice with the world and communicate with individuals who may subscribe to your blog or who may just read it and make comments is a fantastic opportunity.

Some blogs may be an asset to your professional development and can help you enhance your CV.  Blogs are an excellent tool for increasing your self-confidence and identifying your unique set of talents or interest. Consider focusing on an area in which you have some knowledge or experience; for example, if you are a strong student, you might share your study advice with others; if you are a stay-at-home parent, you could offer your home and life hacks, your survival tales, and so forth. 

As soon as you have gotten your blog or microsite up and running on a platform such as Medium, Tumblr, or LinkedIn Publisher, you should consider purchasing a domain name and generating and copyrighting your identity. Start with a free website builder like WordPress, Wix, or Weebly.

Cook something new

Another interesting activity that should be included on your productivity to-do list is learning to make a new dish. It’s time to re-create the dishes from the MasterChef season that you enjoyed so much. You’re not aiming to wow Gordon Ramsay or the MasterChef judges with your cooking.

You want to try something new and, in the process, make your friends and family happy, as well as yourself! Find the greatest recipe on the internet and figure out which approach is the most convenient for you. Sometimes you have to double-check whether the ingredients are in stock, for example if you want to make a pumpkin pie in the midst of summer.

There’s no harm in daydreaming, but if you wake up, you’ll have to resort to canned foods. Another option is to post about your experience on social media or to create a blog.

Leave online reviews for products you love

Brighten up someone’s day with some positive reviews. Also, a great way to show your appreciation for the items, services, activities, or locations you like is by leaving favorable evaluations for those who made them accessible to you.

Whatever it is, it may be anything at all, such as a t-shirt you just purchased from an e-commerce site or software you use to organize your job online. Take some time to post some nice, honest evaluations for the things you like using as a mark of thanks and as a chance for the manufacturers to make changes to their products as a result of your efforts.

Is there anything you suggest doing when you’re bored? Perform you have any go-to activities that you like to do during your downtime at work that is both productive and fun? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Take a break

If experiencing mental clutter from a lot of productive things, take a break. Does it come across as condescending and counter-intuitive? However, if you find yourself at a standstill when it comes to that assignment or that deadline, it has been shown in research that taking a break can reenergize you and improve your mental sharpness.

Consequently, even though you may have physically walked away from your job, you will be more productive when you return because you will have a newfound zest.

Listen to productivity podcasts

Podcasts are a fantastic way to improve your morale and keep you on top of your game while working. It’s especially convenient since you can listen to them while out walking, driving, or even while waiting in line for your morning cup of coffee.

Determine the focus of your search and learn more about practical ideas and tactics from business leaders who are motivating individuals to make positive changes in their lives and make their jobs more fascinating. To find really good ones you have to do a little digging but it will come up for sure.

Brush up on your skills

The process of determining a career path entails acquiring knowledge and skills in your field. However, somewhere between working hours and getting home in time to eat and sleep can cause us to lose sight of the knowledge and skills we have acquired because there are new things on the horizon every day.

Learning a new skill or brushing up on your existing knowledge is an excellent way to fill up some of your spare time. During your spare time, look into the newest developments in project management, customer management, software development, or any other area of interest. These activities may assist you in your long-term professional development.

Learn a new language

Learning a new foreign language can be beneficial in so many ways. Some certainly wont have a great time in the process but it is what it is. The next item on our list of useful things to do while bored is to learn a new language.

According to language specialists, professionals who are competent in a second language may earn up to 15% more than their monolingual colleagues in their respective fields.

Learning another language not only improves your professional prospects but also provides you an advantage when it comes time to take that long-awaited dream trip. Say to yourself “Part of my goal this year is to learn a foreign language”.

De-clutter your inbox

Not so much fun. Although none of us like having an impossible-to-manage inbox, the emails keep piling up. There are instances when it’s simply as basic as something we subscribed to but are no longer interested in, or as simple as spam that we intend to delete as soon as we have a minute to spare. In order to retain an email in our follow-up, we sometimes designate it as unread. In any case, they accumulate extremely rapidly.

Approximately 13 hours per week are spent by the typical employee reading and replying to email, according to the McKinsey Global Institute. The typical inbox, however, only comprises 38 percent of emails that are significant and relevant, according to SaneBox’s internal statistics. In your spare time, decluttering your email inbox might be one of the most productive things you can do.

Put sticky notes on your desk or anywhere else where you’ll be reminded to clean out your inbox and go to work clearing up your inbox.

Plan ahead

One strategy to ensure that your work or tasks are completed successfully is to plan ahead of time. This also helps you to discover time windows during which you may set aside some “me” time for yourself. Planning may be a difficult task, as it can suffocate creativity and inspiration.

However, it also provides you with a bird’s eye perspective of everything that demands your attention, as well as ensures that nothing falls through the gaps of your schedule. Aside from the convenience of being able to seek down a colleague or friend who may have completed comparable activities, preplanning will also provide you with the opportunity to save time and money.

Learn a new skill

Although the term “choose a specialty and stay with it” has become all too prevalent in recent years, true fun comes when you attempt to acquire talent that is not related to your profession.

Acquiring a new ability in your brain results in the formation of new neural pathways or the strengthening of existing neural pathways. It is believed that this would result in increased brain “plasticity,” which will help to prevent the formation and progression of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

By acquiring new talents, you may explore previously unexplored parts of your mind and increase your level of creativity. You may study presentation skills, public speaking, graphic design, video editing, programming language, and a variety of other talents…


This may be difficult, particularly for introverts, but believe us when we tell that networking is essential if you want to remain at the pinnacle of your profession.

Take advantage of the chance to reach out to your industry pros in order to make yourself more visible if you find yourself bored and have some spare time on your hands for another beneficial activity. Also, don’t forget to send a brief note or email to a former colleague with whom you haven’t spoken in a long period of time.

Check-in on them and see if they’re up for a quick cup of coffee or a brief chat. By networking, you may establish a positive working relationship with your colleagues, which can aid you in learning industry trends and providing you with a rapid knowledge of how things are evolving.

Take up some new responsibilities

You should take advantage of the fact that you have more time on your hands at work to take on additional duties. Search for a coworker who needs assistance or an intern whom you may guide by taking a glance at you.

Taking on new responsibilities helps to break up the monotony of your daily routine, and although it may require you to venture outside your comfort zone, it adds value to your professional growth and opens the door to greater chances along the road.

Maintain a journal

Keeping a diary is the next item on our list of constructive things to do while you’re bored. Journaling is now widely regarded as a kind of treatment for a wide range of conditions. Your ideas, thoughts, successes, and ambitions should all be written down for future reference.

So carve out some time in your calendar to jot down anything that comes to mind. Attempt not to spend more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time, which will make it seem less like a duty and more like a check-in with oneself. When it comes to journaling, it’s similar to having a closest friend, but without the trust difficulties; instead, it’s a space for self-reflection and serious venting.

Organize your computer

Doesn’t have to do anything with goal setting, but it is important. All your list of tasks is on your computer, most probably. A tech enthusiast will take care of this without getting reminded to do it, but some others may not. Your inner digital hoarder could have a panic attack just thinking about it, but you need to get rid of all the superfluous data you’ve been hoarding for far too long.

It also provides an option to arrange your files into smaller groups of information that is more readily recognizable. Categorize all the files according to their kind and arrange them together in similar folders to make accessing them in the future much simpler and more convenient.

Another helpful activity to try out when you’re bored is to give your keyboard a quick clean-up — it’s best friends with your fingertips and deserves all the love and attention it can receive.

Set your goals for next year

Normally, this pastime is connected with the start of a new year and the guilt that comes with it. Try it at a random time in the year, and you’ll discover that your mind is more open to concentrate on successes and goals that may have seemed difficult earlier in the year since there is no baggage connected.

Make use of SMART metrics (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) to track your progress. These properly considered objectives will provide you with a laser-like focus on precisely what you want to accomplish, and the accountability will come from the legitimacy of the written word’s long shelf life.

A number of studies have shown that writing out your objectives and then establishing deadlines increases the likelihood of them being achieved by 2.5 times.

Work on your physical and mental health

One of the most well-known causes of sadness and anxiety is boredom. Boredom is created when you don’t have goals set out. The inaction of doing nothing leads to a loss of energy and drive for achieving your short and long-term objectives.

Enhance your day by doing something physical that will break up the monotony and provide you with the energy boost you need to complete that work. To begin being more physically active, try walking, running, swimming, or riding. Yoga and meditation are similar to mental exercises in that they help you relax while also significantly improving your attention.

Help others in need

The most beneficial use of your time may be spent assisting people in need. Participate in a local shelter or volunteer organization to help promote kindness. These seemingly little gestures may have a significant impact on someone’s life.

Naturally, the feel-good factor is a plus, since volunteering has been shown to alleviate symptoms of depressive disorders including despair and anxiety as well as rage and depression.

Join Product Hunt

It is recommended that you join Product Hunt if you are a tech fanatic who is always seeking for the latest and greatest in software, mobile apps, and technological devices. Every day, our portal curates the most innovative new items on the market.

You may search for items, cooperate with others, ask questions, and get feedback on the newest releases. Product Hunt has around one million members who discuss technology goods and share their expertise with the rest of the community.

In order to complete your productivity checklist, log onto this wonderful site to learn about new things that are now popular in the world of technology. Also available on Product Hunt are the ability to upvote your favorite applications as well as provide beneficial ideas.

Go to a museum

Taking a virtual tour of a museum, for example, is one of the most creative and productive things you can perform at home. Many well-known museums provide virtual tours that you may take part in as a participant.

Write a letter to your future self

Write a letter to your future self — it’s one of the most enjoyable and beneficial things you can do.

Try something new

Trying new things is a fantastic way to learn and develop new skills. By stepping outside your comfort zone, or by trying new activities that interest you, you open yourself up to a flood of new possibilities and experiences.

There are several unique activities that you may be doing right now, regardless of whether you’re seeking beneficial things to do at home, while on vacation, or in another location.

Change your morning routine

If you’ve been stuck in a rut recently, you may want to try switching up your morning routine. After all, your morning routine serves as the first impression that others have of you throughout the day. More importantly, the better your morning is, the better your afternoon and evening will be.

Create an evening routine

Is there no nighttime ritual in your house? You most likely do, but you aren’t aware of it. Your nighttime routine serves as the last impact of the day and prepares you for success the following day. As a result, don’t ignore it. If you’re feeling bored and want to shake things up, try switching up your nighttime routine.

Go camping

Certainly, a new task on your goals list is accomplished. Plan a camping trip if you’re bored at home. It’s one of the most exciting and productive things to do when you’re bored.

You do not have to embark on it right once, but you may begin making preparations for it. Make a fun plan for yourself that you can look forward to. Gather your supplies, get your equipment ready, and then go out and have a good time.

During the night, you’ll feel much more connected to nature and will be able to enjoy some much-needed respite from electronics.

Watch tutorials

Sometimes it is better to watch a tutorial rather than motivational videos. When it comes to hobbies and interests, this is an excellent moment to pursue them. Is there anything you’ve always wanted to attempt but haven’t been able to figure out how to do? Go to YouTube and look for a video that shows you how to accomplish it.

Keep one plant alive

Please bear with us while we embark on one of the most unusually productive endeavors possible. You may spend your time studying the plants you wish to grow and learning how to care for them properly. You may buy them and immediately begin feeding them. And you may keep track of their progress from there.

Start a side hustle

The best thing to earn more money is to start a side hustle. This is closely connected to learning new skills. So learn a new skill like software development and make your plans on having to make extra money out of it. Also, another way to increase your personal budget. Is teaching foreign languages online, which is also a side hustle.

Productivity setup

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