Work location: Home. Sounds excellent, having meetings on google meet, and scheduling meeting on google calendar doesn’t it?

There’s a strong chance you’re excellent at something, maybe even an expert at it, and want to become a business owner. For example, establish your own online English teaching business or even blog posts. Hard work pays off as they say.

Now, there’s a way to make money from that ability: by educating others on the internet. There are a lot of services that provide individuals with the opportunity to teach lessons through video and get compensation.

The principle is straightforward: Alternatively, you may record yourself instructing a class on any subject you like. Upload it to one of the sites and watch as individuals from all around the globe pay you to have the opportunity to study what you’ve learned.

Then just sit back and wait for the money to come in. The way websites are structured differs from one another – some need an upfront cost, while others do not.

Almost all of them accept a portion of the tuition as payment. Such scenarios may be a lucrative source of income for certain individuals. It has been reported on certain websites that their most effective teachers may earn six figures. Furthermore, once your lessons are published, they might serve as a source of mostly passive revenue.

Here are a few simple steps to get you started in your teaching experience:

Choose your topic

Find your teaching niche. Is it the English language, is it programming whatever it is. You should obviously teach on a subject matter that you are well-versed in, but it should also be something that you like doing since your enthusiasm will shine through in your classes.

Among the many options are pastry making, street fighting, yoga, solving a Rubik’s cube, chess strategies, Latin, and many more. The possibilities are really endless.

Write your script

Organize your online classes right. For example, if you are teaching English online, prepare yourself. Don’t simply wing it while you’re on camera; prepare what you want to say beforehand.

Check it over a couple of times to make sure you haven’t overlooked anything important. Try the traditional approach of reading it aloud to yourself in the mirror to iron out some of the wrinkles in your writing. The key is to prepare everything for your magical online school in action.

Decide on the kind of classes you want to conduct, research data, interpret relevant data and find the best teachable works for you.

Get some feedback

Get some feedback from your desktop computer. Before you begin recording, get feedback from people on the concept you’ve created. Look for another expert to double-check what you’ve written. Find a test audience to ensure that the viewers will genuinely be understanding what you are presenting in your presentation.

Once you have a screenplay that is feasible and has been thoroughly reviewed, you may begin production on the video. Before the ball starts, make sure you get feedback before continuing to the following rows.

Buy the right gear

The right equipment is key. Almost many, if not all, laptops come equipped with a camera and microphone, which means you most likely already have everything you need to capture the video. A working computer is also a must-have if you want to teach business English for example.

If this is not the case, you will be required to make the investment. Remember to save all of your receipts – this is a business, and you will most likely be able to deduct the cost of the equipment from any profits you generate at tax time.

To be certain, consult with your tax advisor. You’ll also need video editing software so that you can polish the final output before it’s released. Though most people aren’t expecting Hollywood-quality production qualities, a sloppy presentation may upset your viewers or make it difficult for them to follow along.

And whether they will suggest you to others will be influenced by this. The best things happen when you record such videos, with the right sound quality and the right ambient.

Consider your surroundings

New teachers and even some experienced teachers don’t pay enough attention to this. Keep in mind what is behind you while filming your video, no matter where you want to shoot it.

Especially if you are filming a video for a long time make sure that there are no interruptions. Choose a backdrop that is solid and neutral in color to make it less obtrusive.

Set your price

Don’t initially charge a higher rate. However, when you teach spoken English or written English make sure that you charge the right price. There are a number of websites to help you with finding the best rate for you.

You’ll want to be competitive, just like any other firm. Examine what others are charging for comparable courses, and attempt to figure out where you fall in on the scale of things. People will pay a premium if your class is demonstrably superior, but you must first establish the credibility that will allow you to demand a higher price.

Don’t forget marketing

Practice the Marketing game. Just because you put up a structure and made the initial steps doesn’t imply people would flock to it. You must devise strategies for marketing your course in order for it to stand out from the crowd of other courses on the same subject.

Many websites charge a bigger proportion of the tuition if they refer a student, so bringing them in yourself will result in more money in your pocket in the long run. Make contact with friends and colleagues, share the news on Facebook or other social media platforms, and ask your networks to help spread the word as much as possible.

Consider establishing an online presence for your teaching company so that you can communicate with your pupils about changes in the curriculum. Offer partnership to the relevant course builder. Not only will this be a great start but it will also carry you a long way in your online teaching career. If you are new to marketing check out some Derek Murphy books to get you started.

Make more videos

If your first few lessons are well-received, continue to provide them. The more content you have available, the greater the likelihood that others will (pay for the opportunity to) learn from you. In addition, you now have a consumer base that is eagerly awaiting the next update.

Online Teaching

As a teacher or a freelancer, do you wish you could have total control over your teaching schedule, job location, and even your hourly class rates?

How does it sound to have the ability to build your own website, create and sell courses, have a mobile app, and overall automate your teaching process online?

The good news is that being your own boss as a freelance online instructor makes it all feasible. The second piece of good news? It doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to become one, and it’s never too late!

If you’re wondering where or how to start an online teaching company, let us lead you through the early stages of putting it up, including picking online teaching equipment that meets any budget – whether you’re looking to save money or spend on a nice piece of equipment.

What app or website to use?

Remember earlier when we talked about things like your website where you can sell courses and the mobile app, well there is more.

Additionally, you can then sell courses, organize live sessions, make your own e-books, integrate your own tools that you think will be beneficial for your target audience.

Especially if your online course format is designed in such a way to transfer the knowledge efficiently through the virtual classroom. Again, overall you are in full charge of organizing your hybrid online and offline learning process. Without further due, let us introduce Uteach.



Uteach with its slogan “Knowledge without Edge”, has gathered a team of professionals – people, who find solutions in any complex situation. People nowadays are too busy to get to their training session after a long and exhausting day at work.

Some of them manage to achieve it, while others are unable to. Despite this, it is much more costly. Instead, they depend on online training and courses that are just as effective as in-person instruction. Uteach was established in response to the high demand and rapidly increasing rates of growth in the field. You will be able to do all the mentioned above things, because of this platform.

According to their official website, they state that online education requires different approaches. Here the most important point is to create a strong connection between teacher and learner, even despite the thousands of kilometers of distance. Uteach breaks all the barriers, focusing on additional skills and talents in one place.


Considering the pricing aspect, you have the ability to choose monthly or annual plans. There are three paid packages. There is the basic package which offers you up to 20 courses, unlimited storage no transaction fees, and more. The next is the Pro package, which costs 63.2$/month.

It comes with up to 50 courses, automates quizzes, live lessons, IOS & Android app, and more. The last offered package is the Business Package, which costs $139.3/month and offers you everything from Pro +, and additionally, a personal manager, custom design, unlimited courses and authors, priority product support, and 20 admin-level users. If you are serious about your business, the Business package is the one to go with.


There is free stuff!

Yes, you heard right. Uteach offers you a 14-day free trial period where you have the ability to have 3 courses, unlimited students, and a default template, so definitely check it out.


All in all, a great website for anyone who wants to transfer their knowledge and in the process earn money. Choose the right plan for your needs and make upload video lessons, organize exams, and have a huge database of people and material in one place. Positive recommendations for the Uteach online teaching platform, make sure to take a look at their official website:

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