Write your morning pages right so the whole day or the rest of your day can glide smoothly. A healthy morning routine has a significant influence on the remainder of your day, both positively and adversely. Spending too much time in bed will not bring anything good.

You can raise your productivity, reduce stress, boost happiness, and more by following good morning practice. Too many individuals have a deluge of duties when they get up each day, and these responsibilities end up defining how they spend their mornings.

If you have children or pets, you must look after them. Most individuals have morning responsibilities such as preparing breakfast, getting ready for work, and so on. I’m not proposing that you ignore your obligations. But the reality is that if you start each morning with a good self-care regimen, you will be better equipped to tackle everything on your plate. This step-by-step guide will help you improve your morning routine.

Make your bed

Making Bed

A great way to start the new day with some discipline. Wake up early and let your first step be making the bed. When you make your bed every morning, you show to yourself that you are taking personal responsibility for your chores and that you are committed to maintaining your personal space pleasant and orderly at all times.

It establishes a precedent that strengthens the basis of your capacity to complete the task at hand. It will also be nice to look at a perfectly made bed throughout the day. Remember, the little things count.

Drink water before coffee


A glass of water before coffee for a healthy tummy. We frequently wake up thirsty because we lose so much water via our breathing and sweating while we sleep.

Given that the adult human body is composed of up to 60% water, staying hydrated is critical for maintaining good health.

According to a study, drinking water first thing in the morning not only helps to rehydrate you, but it may also aid to jump-start your metabolism, increasing it by up to 30%. According to expert Andy De Santis, coffee will just anger your body, therefore freshwater is recommended.


Morning excercise

This must not be a full workout of the bodies, a quick stretch to decrease stress in the morning is a great idea. You will experience a noticeable difference in a matter of days.

Exercising must become one of your morning chores for a good morning routine and developing a good posture for the rest of the day.

Perhaps you are unable to complete a full exercise in the morning. That’s OK. Exercise may be incorporated into your daily routine by adding it to some of your regular morning routines.

Perhaps some yoga, or even just regular push-ups, might be beneficial. It is just necessary to exercise your body and prepare it for the day ahead. Some diaphragmatic breathing after your workout would be awesome also.

Take a cold shower

Morning cold shower

Taking a cold shower first thing in the morning is useful. It is unlike anything else in that it wakes you up and energizes you, and when you eventually turn the water warm, you enjoy it thousand times more.

Because it feels so much better to suck it up and face the cold initially, it is no longer possible to take a warm shower exclusively. After your shower, a good skin care routine is also recommended.

Have a plant-based breakfast

Healthy Breakfast

Eat a plant-based breakfast. Everyone thinks we need milk or eggs to have a healthy breakfast, but we get plenty of protein at other times throughout the day.

A purely plant-based breakfast can have huge effects. It feels good to be able to say you can go without animal products for one meal a day. Recommendations are bananas and almonds or avocados if there are any available. The added benefit is these foods require zero preparation time.

Set your mind right

Views and mind

There are a plethora of applications that provide free guided meditations that are less than 10 minutes long. In a similar vein, you may set a timer on your phone for as long you want and sit silently, your attention focused on the sensations of your breath or gently repeating a positive affirmation, mantra, or aim for the day that you wish to create for yourself.

Practice Graditude


A gratitude focus is a must develop habit for you. This will definitely improve your mood. Accprding to Inderjot Sandhar and his team of experts on social media, they state that the practice of appreciation has been shown to lessen pain, increase empathy, and reduce hostility – making it an excellent way to start the day, particularly if you have a morning drive in traffic.

It is possible to practice gratitude in the morning by rising up each day to watch the dawn, writing down things you are thankful for in a notebook, or including an emphasis on gratitude as part of your meditation practice.

Review your daily to-do list

To do list

Journaling is important. For others, an ideal morning consists of waking up in a safe environment where work is not permitted. Totally valid point of view.

Other others see it as the ideal opportunity to get some strategic planning done before being sidetracked by the expected torrent of emails or schedule of meetings. By taking the time to write down or review your game plan for the day, you’re putting yourself one step ahead of the game of making choices depending on how you’re feeling.

Certainly, this is beneficial for increasing production, but planning is also vital on a bigger scale.

Do something fun or creative


This might be considered second nature, but it is very important. We don’t spend enough time appreciating ourselves. The concept of a “routine” has a kind of no-nonsense connotation, implying that you get something done without fuss.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, playing video games while drinking coffee is one of the most enjoyable activities that can be done in the morning.

In all seriousness, carving out time for something fun and silly helps you conceptualize the morning as its own distinct segment of the day rather than just a prelude to work—which, in turn, makes it easier to wake up because the alarm clock no longer signifies the start of a two-hour chunk of time that is peaceful and focused for a single period of time.

If video games are not your thing, here are some alternatives: watching an episode of television, crafts, dancing around to upbeat music, playing with your pets, reading, trying a new breakfast dish, or whatever fun or creative activity you normally reserve for another time of day. As you can see, you have different options.

Repeat your routine


Following your routine the next morning and repeating the daily activity that you did the previous day, ie a good stretch, gratitude, will further strengthen your health goals. Morning scrolling in social media will not. Even if you are nod a morning type of person you must stick to your routine.

This is the most difficult aspect. Getting into a routine is difficult to do. It’s acceptable if you get off to a good start but then sputter out. If you fail to get out of bed in the morning or if you forget certain new habits, don’t be too harsh on yourself… but don’t quit up either.

Start again the following morning and include some of the tips listed below to help you stay on track throughout the day. Oh and yeah, follow your sleep schedule.

The bottom line

If you want to make it simpler for yourself to complete your healthy morning self-care routine, prepare preparations the night before to lighten your burden and make the tasks you need to do more comfortable. For example, you might lay out your clothing for the following morning. If you have kids, be sure to put their clothing out as well (or have them do it).

A second approach is to prepare your breakfast the night before. Making a large batch of oats the night before allows me to just heat it up in the morning. If you plan on bringing lunch to work or packing lunches for your children, prepare those items ahead of time as well. Getting out of bed in the morning might be one of the most difficult things to conquer.

Make use of technology to assist you. Perhaps a more progressive alarm tone will be more effective in waking you. Alternatively, you may want a louder and more shocking sound.

On your smartphone, experiment with the various settings. In order to combat my habit of pushing the snooze button all the time, I spent $30 on an alarm clock with a soft glow that gradually illuminates the room before the alarm goes off – and it worked for me.

Find out what works best for you and stick with it. Are you ready to begin a new, more healthful morning habit this week? You’ll get another chance in the morning tomorrow!

Even though life is stressful for every one of us, we can always find time for things that we believe are important. Believe us when we say that your overall health and everyday outlook are well worth it.

Read more about the Benefits Of Morning Exercise And Stretching

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